Let's start totally different for a change:

We did a lot of discussing based on this paper: In Japanese for instance, bees, wasps, hornets, bumblebees etc. are all some kind of "ハチ".
I also learned that not all houses in this country have back doors. I was under the impression that it's part of the package, so to speak. Like beer &  枝豆!! But it turned out that I was wrong! We than got heated up discussing about the big sliding entrances/exits from the living room to the yard: Are they windows, or are they doors?

We all agreed that sweet bananas are tastier than others, weren't sure about why French was spoken in England for so long  (they hate each other!!), and wondered who had tasted the oceans for sweetness!

Wondering about all this were Alexandria, Katie and Lindsey - three beautiful ladies!!
Katie visited the cinema twice, once to meet captain Jack Sparrow, the second time to be scared by the psycho thriller "Black Swan". She told us the whole story suspecting none of us would bother watching it, but I won't tell you, just in case.....  

Alexandria attended a lecture about buddhism hosted by a former professor of hers which she found to be really interesting. She was meant to be joined by a friend. This friend however had to stay home having serious trouble with her new house having just being completed by one of Japan's major house makers, starting with "S". 
Lindsey, nice to see you again! It has been a while, and welcome back from your trip to Down Under. 
Her husband and her were able to become friends with a female firefighter over there, exchanging e-mail addresses. For those of you who do not know: Lindsey's better half is a firefighter himself. Back in Japan, she enjoyed a performance of "Much ado about nothing".

We had tasty cake looking like this, responding to the name of "Country Cake":

OK, the end!


 - FIN -

The "Master"