Well, well well....I must say, I am amazed,surprised and of course glad that two weeks in a row, Saturday could boast with the biggest number of eager "chatterers"! 
Alexandria, Mikayla, Catherine, Darrel, Alicia and Chelsea decided to beat the rain and come here - Thanks a lot! 
Mikayla told us about her first-ever experience buying something from the internet auction. She purchased a vase, made by a famous potter friend of hers (ring a bell? Last Saturday?). The piece of art which sells for about ¥120000  she  snatched for about ¥7700! Congratulations! There even was a "battle" towards the end!
Chelsea visited Osaka's new station complex where she and her daughter lined up for about an hour to enjoy lunch at a famous Italian restaurant only to learn that it really wasn't anything special: The salad was good, the pizza average, and the tea coloured hot water....The shops also were the usual high street shops one can find anywhere, except one she pointed out by the name of Steteco. I didn't quite get it, but apparently they sell unique underwear for men, which also happens to be used by ladies as housewear???? Check it out, I just did, and guess what? I think I like it! CLICK!

So, today we talked a lot about internet auctions (Alicia & Chelsea also have some experience), and eventually got excited discussing gays! Yep, you heard right - Gays! Darren and me both agreed that gays are sickening, but women seem to think the open way they talk, understanding both the women's and men's views, is interesting and informatory.
Why this subject? Because my new neighbours are four young ladies from Thailand.......young ladies? Can we be sure about that? At this point I wanted to post a funny yet disgusting gay related picture, but I had to stop the search as I it made me really sick!!

Okay, back to normal:

And the cake (I barely had enough!):

Dewa, the rainy season has kicked in, but I still wish you a pleasant weekend (Or what's left of it!),

The "Master"