The last day of the probably more bearable month - June will be here with heat & humidity, sticky clothes and tasty beer!!
Jamie, Mikayla, Elisabeth and Olivia joined the party. 
Today I started the "class" by asking Jamie what she is doing at the post office every week before coming here - unfortunately we couldn't get a persuasive answer......she said business, we were betting on something fishy like money laundering or something! She also said she was mailing letters.
Olivia told us about how she had set two fire alarms in her house after buying them at a home center, and that she had them positioned by a "professional" from the center - paying about ¥1000 for both. This is reasonable, as she holds a member's card which entitles her to huge discounts!
Mikayla went to Kobe to get her passport renewed and to watch a movie - she is using her passport as an ID as she doesn't hold a driving license! When she asked if she could use a photograph on which she is about 25 years old, the staff kindly refused! The movie she enjoyed with her husband is called "Letters to Juliet", but in Japanese "Letters from Juliet".......Lost in translation? 
Elisabeth, the Thursday rep, had all her family over for a couple of days, and she also told us about a strange hat Princess Beatrice sold at an auction for 10 million yen with all the profit going to charity! Some rich dude with too much money bought that thing! 
This is A HAT?


And as we took a long break from one of our favourite "study material", here are some riddles - for people who can't figure out the answers, feel free to ASK by leaving comments!!


And as for the picture of our highly delicious Walnut Banana Cake - I realized I had forgotten to take the photograph after wrapping up the leftovers, then, I was too lazy to open up the wrapper again. So, please imagine the cake!

Well, I guess that's it!
Have a nice week - make the best out of the short "dry spell" during the rainy season,

See you 

The "Master"