Ok, trying to get the life back to normal after enjoying a sunny, Golden Week! On Sunday I had my little concert at the
"親父バンド祭り" in Kakogawa, and I'd like to thank all the loyal members who showed up for doing so. I hope you had a good time. On Monday I enjoyed a nice B-B-Q at home with my best friend, Ken, who I hadn't seen for over three years. How surprised I was when he said "初めまして" to my daughter (who'll be 4 in December!). But I guess it just shows that true friendship doesn't fade easily, and distance doesn't really matter (he lives in Senri-Chuo, me in Seishin-Chuo). On Tuesday I took my son on my bike, met another friend, and we rode to Izushi to have some "皿そば" (is that correct Japanese?). Yesterday, I "played" nice dad with my children in a nearby park. So, how about today's members?
Three ladies showed up: Angela from Greece went on tour with her boyfriend to Izumo Taisha, passed なんとか-Ginzan (sorry, forgot the name) because it was so crowded they couldn't park, and ended up in Hiroshima. Briana visited the Tottori Dunes and was surprised to be taking a shuttle bus and a "ski" -lift to reach the dunes from the parking lot. She was also surprised at some young girls who decided the most suitable footwear to walk around the dunes must be high-heels! Jamie basically cleaned her house as her family was visiting (although careful listening to her explanation made clear that her HUSBAND did most of the cleaning!). Briana & Jamie also enjoyed some nice music on Sunday! 
Another topic today was "Queues" (VERY British English for making lines waiting for something): I noticed that about 4 or 5 Soba shops in Izushi had long queues at their doors, other didn't at all. When discussing why this kind of phenomenon should occur, we came to the conclusion that the shops were probably on TV or in some magazines. This took us to the fact about manipulation, and how easily people fall victim this. Summarizing our discussion was the recognition that Japanese people probably LOVE to standing in queues! Wow, this is getting veeeery long!

After that, we tried our luck at some more riddles:


And a picture of today's "healthy coookies":

C'est ca (that's it - French)

The "Master"