Hi, young people!
Yes, because today, 50% of our eager ladies were "under 30" - Kelly from Ireland, and Mya from Italy caused this unusual phenomenon. So today, these two girls and our Saturday regular, Elisabeth, were able to welcome yet another newcomer, Heather from England. Hi, Heather, don't be shy - I wish you a good time with the regular "herd"!

We talked about everybody's Golden Week activities - some went to libraries (to become even smarter?), another one was obeying to her dog's needs (orders?), others again just stayed home. I also asked around how everybody releases stress, takes time off the daily routine: Mya sings Karaoke & visits musicals, Kelly is more the "quiet" type - she relaxes with the help of aroma therapy, "researching" various kinds of teas, Elisabeth sings children's songs in a choir group, and Heather also likes blowing off stress with Karaoke. Traveling was also mentioned as a popular pastime.
In my case, I ride the motorcycle and "shout" in a rock'n roll band (one definitely can't call that "singing", what I do!). 
By the way, we will have another gig tonight at around 9pm, here: Uwayagekiyou.
I don't expect anyone to show up on such short notice, just thought I let you know!

We studied some interesting idioms today:

And enjoyed some healthy cookies, once again:

Well, that's all for today - enjoy the rest of the weekend!

The "Master"