It was a nice "Tuesday-like" Tuesday, I should say. Six Ladies showed up, two of them regular "Tuesday-Girls"!
Today, we enjoyed "Pori Pori Matcha" cookies:

Plus, we were so lucky to receive a Taiwan-Souvenir from Miranda, but I think I was the only one who ate it here today,
all the ladies chose to take it home with them (maybe everybody was full?). Thanks!

Today, we talked about "going to the doctor" - I started this strange topic when I told the group that I cleaned my ears too much, so much, that I hurt my left ear, it became infected, suppurated, I couldn't hear anything, so I had to see a doctor to "clean up" inside! How stupid of me! The doctor forbid me to do any more 耳かき!But - I wasn't alone! A lot of people seem to hurt themselves in that way, even a lady in our group today had that experience!

We studied this one:

So, until yesterday, my left ear was killing me!

Thanks for turning up in big numbers,

see you soon

The "Master"