Cassandra from Greece told us a story about three tomatoes - 

Mother, father and child. They were taking a walk, when the little one started to lag behind. Father went to the child, smashed it, and said:  CATCH UP!  - Ketch up - KETCHUP! Get it? 

Cassandra also taught us a British slang being used by someone who is really tired. It rhymes with the quite well-known and popular: I'm knackered! And it goes like this:

Ok, not really - it goes: I'm cream crackered! I had never heard this one before, I like it a lot, and I'm going to use it, especially as I'm "cream crackered" most of the time! Thanks for your contribution! By the way, here & here some more information on this.

Alicia had a story about a tea ceremony event she held with her group - they were hosts to 700 (in words: Sevenhundred!) thirsty customers! Unbelievable! I always thought those ceremonies were more of the "quiet type", but she explained to us that various kinds existed. Did it look like this, somehow? 

(All "Gaijins", too!)

Christina (our newest!) came well prepared today, and told us, relying a little on her notes, about her family's day out to Himeji experiencing a little bit of the Japan Self-Defense Forces. An event showing helicopters, tanks and canons, and soldiers in training could also be observed. The absolute highlight of the event was a tank ride - the public could actually ride on a tank equipped with a special frame so that they wouldn't fall off. Despite that, Christina almost flew off! 
I would! Sure looks like a WILD RIDE!

So many pictures, and so few text - but it still goes on! Today's humour was accepted & understood well - the ladies LAUGHED! YES! 

And we all had tasty pudding, then went home! 

Thanks for coming - see you all next week!

The "Master"