Hey! Country-Girl (You KNOW who I mean!) - Where were you? 
Ok, fine. So today Kiara, Lindesy, Christina and me had to do without ghost stories!
Kiara and Lindsey were welcomed to the "lost & found" office today - they had to pick up some belongings forgotten last week.

Kiara told us about a reunion she attended recently held at Maiko Villa. Only 12 of her classmates could attend, although her class had about 50 students in the old days. But her grade consisted of seven classes altogether, so I guess quite a big number of people were getting drunk, having a good time! I didn't tell the group today, but whenever reunions are talked about, I get a little envious as it is not possible for me to attend a "genuine" reunion. This is one of the few drawbacks of international schools: After graduating, students scatter all over the planet, so it's virtually impossible to get everyone together in one place at the same time!  
Lindsey told us about her old high school, and a really unique one for that: Although the school was co-educational, boys and girls were separated by floors. No classes were taught together. When going on school trips, boys & girls would visit the same destination, but the days were set into "shifts", so to speak: The children would NOT meet each other at the hotel! Weird!! 
 Where is the spice of life in that kind of arrangement?

Christina will go present shopping with her sister for their mother's birthday, but presently, she has no idea what to get for her! Can anybody help? Slippers? No, last year's present! Earrings? She doesn't wear any! A diamond? The sisters can't afford that! Nothing? The mother won't appreciate that!

We had an easy paper to confront today:

And enjoyed a "cookie-tasting cake" (Or was it a "cake-shaped cookie?") - you'll be the judge:

Ok, the sky doesn't look too promising, but have a nice weekend anyway!

Might see some of you at Meriken Park tomorrow at the "India Fair"?

The "Master"