Although  it was raining cats & dogs today, Ashley, Kiara, Jade, Briana and Isabella showed up, eager to study some new expressions - and this is what they got:

Did you know that both "vehicles" in the upper picture are called "scooter"?

Today, among other things, Ashley told us about some "mysteries" she and her daughter experienced on their
trip to Taiwan with their "EasyCard", roughly the equal to the Japanese "ICOCA".

Also, our sweet today was something really special, I think I haven't seen this before - ever - a "Persimmon Compote Milk Yogurt Jelly". WOW! What a long name! Check it out for yourself:

Looks really yummy, doesn`t it?
So it was!

So, did our "Tuesday Girl" sneeze today? We talked about you!

Thanks for coming & see you all next time!

The "Master"