Today I got notes! Yes! I'll be able to write about everybody's stories! But - do I want to do that? Ha ha ha!
Kiara, Ms. Tuesday, showed up today and told the group about a day return trip with about 21 of her friends (what a popular girl she must be!!) to some very nice mountain/forest area somewhere in the Kyoto prefecture. The group went hiking & walking in the rain, which first was a disappointment, but later turned out to be quite moody. Here is a picture of them:


(Hope you all get the joke!)

Miranda visited the India festival at Meriken Park on Sunday, but we didn't bump into each other. There she bought 5 packs of instant curry, of which four she already consumed. Actually, she bought only 4, but the 5th pack she got for free, as maybe the stall was about to close. Buy four, get one free! 
Here is a picture of Miranda - can you find her?:

Amy had a serious, and scary story about an accident her husband had when doing some farming work (in Kasai!), cutting bushes and weeding. He got injured with some standing crop cutting machine, when the still moving blade cut into his forehead, all the way to the bone - really! He received 25 stitches and "staples"! But now, that he is fine, back at home recovering, Amy is already making jokes, saying that someday they will all laugh at the scar, which apparently looks quite funny, being not straight, but warped! This is a picture of him:

Brooklyn made friends with a guardrail a while ago while racing down a narrow street on sport-bicyle, and trying to avoid oncoming traffic. It's already some time ago, but recently her arm (shoulder) started to hurt, so she's undergoing "electric beam treatment" (I'm sure there must be a real word for this!). Anyway, below is a picture of her:


Many pictures today - good I could find something suitable for every situation!

We studied this one:

(unfortunately, this one couldn't tickle the Japanese humor nerves)  

And ate this - this one managed to stimulate the Japanese taste buds really well!


Thanks for coming - have a great weekend!

The "Master"