A nice Thursday Cafe has passed with Kelly, Miranda, Kiara & me sharing several interesting stories.
Miranda went to see some beautiful autumn leaves at some temple (or did she say shrine?) somewhere in Kasai (now, where have I heard this name before?).......maybe "oriental" can help with the place?

Kiara found an English teacher on youTube by the name of Mr. Duncan. Actually, he seems to be calling himself"misterduncan", all in one word. For reasons I missed to ask Kiara, she was recommending this online English learning experience to Miranda. After careful, thorough checking and testing the programme (ehem, as I'm the "Master", responsible for things advertised here, ehem....), I can recommend "Mr. Duncan" to all of my eager Cafe "patrons" with confidence: Welcome misterduncan!
Kiara also went to see the latest episode of Harry Potter, unfortunately, as today's group including me was not too interested in that story, the lack of enthusiasm was easily felt. 

And, as you might know, or you might not, Kelly visited San Francisco with her daughter for a few days and told us they had a good time, of course with the usual problems one naturally encounters when visiting overseas countries. As Kelly PROMISED to write a little "something" about her trip for our student's contributions section, I won't say too much here now. Only that she felt the city is beautiful, well organized and planned with street names, the food portions were too big, and time obviously too short!
Well Kelly, we'll be waiting for your article, but of course, there's no need to rush! Thanks!

I also did some unexpected "autumn leaves viewing" last Sunday up at Futatabi-san. Unexpected means I didn't mean to do so - I just wanted to take the kids out into some forest/nature and search for fir cones and "fir-like" branches for this year's Christmas wreath for my home. We were successful, and surprised to see so many people there taking pictures of the Momiji leaves. You can see my picture on the right. Below is a picture of last year's wreath from my home: 

(I know it's not fir, but I was quite happy with its' genuineness)

What a long posting this is becoming, let's round it up - today's "study paper":

And also today's cake is right here, looking delicious:

Thanks for coming - don't forget to check out the German Christmas Market in Osaka - here -

The "Master"