Another "ghostly" Saturday with the usual members - Miranda, Christina, Emma & Elisabeth is drawing to an end.......
Why "ghostly"? Well, the topic of autumn leaf viewing naturally popped up again, and we were talking about this famous spot, a temple far, far away in Kasai, at which the area behind the temple is apparently the mysterious entrance to "another world"!! Shiver shiver!

 Miranda wore a skirt today, and looked somehow formal. When asked the reason for this very unusual outfit (No, no date, and no job interview!), she said she had noticed a hole in her jeans after putting it on, caused by her cell phone - but see for yourself:

Emma just got here in time for lunch! She had a very nice, long sleep which ended at around 1pm, but she arrived here about 1:20! Wow, that's what I call SPEED! I suppose she must have been very hungry while telling us her story about the burglary at her company! Nothing of great value got stolen, but all the employees including Emma were fingerprinted! 
So, I guess it's just a question of time until she goes away for a long time! 
This was the moment we found out that Miranda has a "criminal record" - for speeding! 

Elisabeth told us about her tough table tennis playing (for about two hours!), and that maybe because of that she felt a little dizzy when waking up this morning. But she was all fine at the Cafe!

Christine told us about the history behind "楓", it derived from "カエルの手"! Interesting, isn't it? More facts here!

And our riddles for today are listed below -

(Emma is probably still trying to figure out why she doesn't like the answer for the first one...........a hole!)

For the picture of today's cake please go back in history for about two days!

Have a great weekend!

The "Master"