13:44......it doesn't look good today.....13:45 - Yesss, Kelly walks through the door (after knocking!), saving my live!
It still doesn't look too good: Kelly, already having received her tea & cake, and me are emotionally preparing to be "alone", meaning a private "lesson" for her. But our "romance" was abruptly interrupted by Briana with a BANG of the door, only to be joined by Shelby shortly afterwards. As it turned out, we had a nice, averagely occupied Cafe today!
Thanks for showing your noses!
I explained the main differences including advantages/disadvantages between my two bikes, a 250cc incredibly practical, economical and comfortable Honda scooter, and my "pride & joy" hobby-Honda, a CB 1300, which is really thirsty, doesn't take any luggage and gives no rain protection. The reason I brought this subject up was the fact that I came to work today using the "big bike", parked down at the stairs. Cafe ladies coming here today couldn't help noticing it: Big, shiny, and incredibly awesome & cool! 

Other subjects: Shelby is going to San Francisco with her daughter! How nice! I wish you a great holiday & watch out for the "soft" boys over there!
Kelly told us that one of our Tuesday regulars purchased a computer (her first one!),the main purpose being to follow this great and amusing blog (ほんまか?). Kelly also told us about a music event at Nara's Todaiji, which she had seen on TV. 
Our study material was another "mysterious coincidence", check it out:


And the picture of today's cake can be found in Tuesday's posting (I wonder why.......).

Have a good weekend

The "Master"