On the first day of November my true love gave to me Madison, Chelsea, Brittney all from England, Jade from Spain, and Emily from some "Latin place"! 
(In reference to the Christmas song: On the first dat of Christmas my true love gave to me.......blah blah blah.....)

Amazingly, due the showing of MJ's movie, even today we talked about him! I think it's already the third week! WoW!
Don't forget - He is dead, he is history! Unbelievable influential power! 

Our second subject today was the surprising fact that Madison is also a STAR! Yes, she's a member of a chorus group singing mainly christian hyms - without being nervous! She is definitely a STAR!!

We also talked a litte about the sad fact that many languages, in today's case Japanese & German, are being more and more "englishnized" - and nobody seems to care, really. Why do we have to use English words (sometimes not even existing in English-speaking countries!), although our language vocabularies are rich enough to express what we want to say without using word like "frontglass" or "handy"?

And our phrase today -


Do you like bags like this? I hear they are on sale in Paris now!

And today's tasty choco cookies looked like this - funnily, almost everybody seemed to have been full today and wrapped them up in "doggie bags":

Notice the table cloth?

Thanks for showing up & see you soon!

The "Master"