It was a quiet Saturday with Emma (the Tuesday girl), and Brooklyn from America.
As the number of attending people was small, we had a chance to cover many subjects (I already forgot half of them!),
mostly talking about foreign travel.This is a subject which will never run dry! 
Our various members have visited so many different places - today we talked about how Korea was a little "boring" because the culture is quite similar to Japan (I had to say the same about my trip to Taiwan in September), and why Emma makes use of package tours when travelling domestically, but plans everything by herself when visiting abroad.
Interesting, interesting!

Oh yes, and NO MJ on the agenda today!

We ate this "Persimmon & Granola Cake":


And studied this phrase (as usual, it was already past 2:30!):

Nice suit - is he a Japanese "Yoshimoto Shinkigeki Yakuza member"?

See you!

Have a great Sunday, enjoy the nice weather today,

The "Master"