Mikyala managed to get a new member to her "Terada Pond Fan club", Jamie! She has already visited the place twice - something must be really special about that place. I guess I have to check it out sooner or later, if only to be able to join the exciting chatting about it! Emma had a little "accident": When stepping back, she tripped over the concrete block separating the street and the sidewalk, and fell over backwards, hitting her head! The amazing part of this story is that she managed to appreciate the nice, blue sky in the fraction of a second while falling! She did see the doctor later who "fixed" her. Lindsey was dressed like she was going to a job interview after the Cafe! 

The discussion heated up with trying to find the differences between "ducks" & "geese" (plural of "goose"), especially as the English and Japanese languages don't seem to agree when to translate to 「かも」and when to say 「あひる」in some cases.

Today I checked if my group could laugh at western humour, and it turned out that they couldn't. Emma laughed at the fact that something like this is suppose to be funny! Check it out - I guess western jokes require the listener/reader to very quickly use some imagination:

This IS funny: Why would a cat watch TV? Why would the spiders hear the TV's announcement and decide they want to watch the programme, too? Why the hell ARE there so many spiders in this house? Why should spiders own DVDs?
Sorry Ladies, to us "gaijins", this IS funny!!

I think we also all enjoyed today's sweet - delicious cocoa cookies -

 I guess I'm the lucky one: I can enjoy Western & Japanese humour  and comedy!

Good - bye

The "Master"