This nice & sunny second day of the week brought in Ashley, Chelsea and Isabella - by now all regulars, all of them are bosses: Boss, vice-boss, and substitute vice-boss!

Again today, we talked about the Nobel Prize, especially this time concerning the Chinese Peace Prize winner - a fact that really upset the Chinese government. I say: Who cares? Naturally, this topic made us discuss politics again, heavy & serious. We talked about Chinese relations with the world community (they're getting carried away, becoming a little arrogant lately!), connections to North Korea, and eventually Japan's and the U.S's position in all this mess. Rumours have it that the Japanese government released the Chinese captain giving ground to U.S. wouldn't surprise me, though I hope it's not the case. It's not for nothing that Japan is sometimes being looked at as the 51st state of America!
Trying to lighten the subject a little (and out of pure curiosity), I asked about any developments in the Kita-ku murder case of the senior high school boy as I hadn't had a chance to watch the news during the holidays, but the group told me there were no. Nevertheless, we did talk about this incident for a while before turning our attention to some more pet peeves, which, of course, were also discussed (now we all know that Isabella does her private business on a fully automatic toilet!):

And we indulged ourselves with some delicious cocoa-marble-cake, one piece each (as usual!):

Okay, community, please keep in mind that the "arrogant Chinese" are only the ones sitting in the government, the "average Joe" on the street is totally all right, and if he's not, he's probably brainwashed by his country and its' media!

Have a smile and a great, sunny week,

The "Master"