Hi, ladies - Lindsey, Mikayla, Elisabeth and Alicia! (And of course "hi" to all the others who couldn't make it today!)

The main topic talked about was, quite naturally, the big news about the freed miners in Chile. Anybody watched the rescue operation live on TV? I did, part of it, and I must say, it was somehow moving. The whole world helped wit the rescue operation (the "luxury capsule" is German, although NO German man would ever fit inside!!), probably the whole world followed the proceedings last night, live on TV. 

Elisabeth brought in an interesting article about the release of results published by the Japan Tourist Association (or whatever they're really called!) on which country was visited by the most foreigners (both leisure & business) during 2009.
Please all take a guess - 




This quiz is NOT about towers, but countries! Try your luck (unfortunately, there are no prizes!)

We enjoyed some more really useless (but interesting) facts...........

  .............and finished last Tuesday's delicious cake (it was even better after a couple of days!).

By the way - don't forget your homework: Find out how many island there are in the world! (Little help can be found here)

Please tell me if I have forgotten anything!

The "Master"