Super-quiet Tuesday! No, I wasn't alone - Gracie & Isabella joined me, and we talked a lot! 
Gracie told us about earlier today how she thought there was a fire, as she met quite heavy smoke on the way back from her (morning?) stroll. It turned out that a man on a field, a former farmer, was burning the usual things farmers usually let go up in smoke during this season, only that his fire was so big that somebody actually called the fire department, and he also got in trouble with the police! Isn't that kind of burning actually illegal because it releases toxic gases into the atmosphere?
Our chat from there took us to discussing the fact that Japanese fields (or rather the area around them) seem to be somehow messy - plastic bags, pots etc. lying around, and why it is like that. We came to the conclusion that the people  here tend to be rather negligent - having clean & tidy homes, but don't hesitate to dump their old TVs and washing machines somewhere in the nearby mountains. 
We also talked about things my parents told me were okay to throw away anywhere "green": Apple cores, banana peel, wooden ice cream sticks etc. as they would wither, so return to nature. Cigarettes, on the other hand don't, as they contain a lot more than just leaves and paper. By the way - smoking is really bad for you!

Check it out:


We also discussed Japanese fruits being beautifully shiny & waxed, matched in shape and size, but therefore unbelievably expensive - in my family peaches are called もも様, and melons メロン様, really! 

So, today we had "Sweet Potato Cake Sama":

And we confronted ourselves yet once again with funny, by totally useless facts:

Well, thanks for coming, and see you all again soon!

The "Master"