It's Tuesday today, right? It seems that I couldn't see the "BOSS"!!
Hey, where were you? 
Well, you've missed this top-class choco & coffee cake:

It was soooo delicious! 
 Right, Brooklyn, Olivia & Mariah? Oh, maybe Mariah took hers, how was it?

Please let me know next time.

Today, almost the entire time of the Cafe we talked about movies (Mariah, the "Pro" was here!). Good movies, bad movies, cheap movies, funny movies, dull movies, total time-waster movies, movies which make you think, movies which really get up your nose (a Japanese man with blond hair & blue  eyes etc), movies which touch your heart, movies which you forget about 5 minutes after they finish...................But the most important thing is: Movies are made for entertainment! So, if they entertain you, I guess it doesn't really matter how high or low the quality is. 

By the way: I don't really have time to watch a lot of movies, but the last one I really found to be good is the German movie "ES". It's a "psycho-suspense thriller" - if you have strong nerves, I really like to recommend it to everybody. 

Brooklyn - please enjoy your movie tomorrow,  the one Olivia has already seen.

And today's phrase? Already used in my posting - see if you can find it!

All right - this is all for today. I have a student coming in any second now!

See you all next time

The "Master"