We had a "riddle day", even before we could start with this:

 (Absolutely NO relation/connection picture to riddles or vice versa!)

Brittney teased us with one of hers: "Ten sparrows are sitting on a roof. If you shoot one, how many will be left?"
But before that, I teased her with Brittney Spears, an American celebrity who does all kinds of naughty things, like running around with no underwear or hanging out with Paris Hilton, another American celebrity who is also known for not being the nicest of girls! Now, I could provide you with a link showing a picture with Britney wearing no under.....but I won't, as this is a "family-friendly" blog! Ehem!

Laura visited Tokyo to see an exhibition of Van Gogh pictures, she's a great fan (so I won't tell her that I think the picture of the bedroom looks like my son who is in elementary school painted it!) - anyway, this is it:

(I'm sure you all agree?)

Laura and the others also agreed on that Roppongi Hills is 大したことない, or NO BIG DEAL! I haven't visited the place yet, but generally I'm not so interested in new, "fake" tourist attractions. Guess I'm really getting old!

Jade mentioned that she tends to feel a little depression when staying at home doing nothing really. So I suggested to her to become, together with Brittney, a fan of Terada pond, and make it her routine walking course. I think it's a great idea as she is also complaining about her leg muscles slowly "disappearing" due to lack of "application".

We enjoyed a little out of season Panna Cotta, but which nevertheless was really yummy:

Well, thanks for showing up you three, and see you soon!

The "Master"