And I tell you - it's a small world! Today, Olivia, Katie, Miranda, Alicia & Shannon came to our little Cafe.
Olivia is like the "regular" of "regulars" (some people even call her the "boss"), she saw Miranda, Miranda saw her and -
they knew each other! This IS a coinicidence, because Miranda came to the Cafe for the very first time today! 
Hello, welcome! I hope you will have a good time with our "herd"! 

And (amazing story, part II), I went to Miki Shirin Koen last Sunday for BBQ. Four families including mine. We had a very good time, later playing some baseball, badminton, frisbee, soccer or just chasing each other around on the meadow. All the time, we could hear South American music (maybe Peru, Andes) somewhere in the distance, as there was a folklore festival under way at the park. So, what did Olivia do last Sunday? She went to exactly the same park with her grandchild 
to enjoy that event! Ok, we didn't meet, but this is kind of funny, isn't it?

It was also nice to see Shannon again after about 5 month - she was actually the person who brought Miranda here - Thank you!

We talked about various things, most of them I don't remember's already 18:30! Katie had an interesting story about an old man getting married at the age of 81......but I'm not sure if I should go into more details here in the internet....maybe I shouldn', I won't.
And I told the group about the fact that Iceland is going to be a "McDonalds-Free Zone" - now, how is that? Apparently, due to the finacial crisis, it's not profitable anymore to keep the shops open under the current system. But you can still get a hamburger in Iceland - they will open shops under the name "Metro".

Our sweet, on the other hand, was really luxurious today - two different tastes on one plate:


Creamy Panna Cotta & rich Chocolate Cake - Mmm, yummy! 
Unfortunately, Katie couldn't enjoy hers as she had to go to the dentist later in the day. But of course, she had a "doggie bag"!

And our phrase for this last Tuesday in October? Well, this one:

Have you been "over the moon" lately? I haven't, not at all, for some years now.......

Hope to see many of you on the last two remaining days of October - as next Saturday happens
to fall on exactly Halloween day, I will try to prepare some sweet matching the day!

The "Master"