We had, I should say, a very comfortable number of "students" today: Alicia, Brittney, Abigail, Isabella & Emma.

Today's main, "hot" topic was MJ! Michael Jackson! Why again? Because the limited-time (two weeks only) showing of the documentary movie has just started, and Emma already went to see it! She was moved, so she says. So if you like (or love?) MJ, maybe you should go and see the picture. Abigail & Brittney (or was it Alicia?) are going to see it tomorrow.
The interesting thing about this topic is that, according to the news, in some other parts of the world, people were queueing to get tickets, really waiting for the show, but in Japan (or is it Kakogawa-only?), tickets were NO problem, and the theatres are not even full......sorry, Michael - or, sorry, Sony Music?
Well, luckily all this doesn't concern me at all!

We studied this:

And ate this:

And the following is what I could find to answer Brittney's (or was it Alicia's?) query:

more than one way to skin a cat idiom

More than one method to reach the same end, as in We can get around that by renting instead of buying a computer—there's more than one way to skin a cat. This expression may be an American version of the earlier British more ways of killing a cat, but why the death of a cat should be alluded to at all is not clear. [Second half of 1800s]

So, nothing new, really. We had all understood the meaning during the Cafe already, the reason behind this expression is still unanswered......maybe because cats have seven lifes?

Ok, mull over it - but not too much so that you can't sleep tonight!

Hope to see lot's of "Pumpkins" the day after tomorrow!

The "Master"