First posting in the new month of October, and it's about 27 degrees outside (and 35 inside?) - SUMMER!
We had a nice crowd which consisted of Mikayla, Kelly, Samantha and Amy! Amazing considering the past two or three
Saturdays - Thanks!
As our "Kasai Farmer", Samantha, showed up today and the harvesting season is full under way, today's main topic was actually RICE!
Apparently, Kasai rice is really tasty (What do I know? I'm a potato eater!). Also, Samantha's daughter got her informal decision for a job (内定), and Kelly's son in law also received a nomination (recommendation?) for a job as his test score turned out to be quite high - Congratulations to you two! 
Amy had an amusing story about her senile 102-year old mother-in-law, Mikayla didn't have any news, but she had enjoyed her grandchild's sports festival last Saturday. Here in Futami, it was today.

Our study material for the day consisted of lots of funny and totally useless information, check it out!:


(The pictures can be seen a little bigger on the bottom of this posting)

And our refreshing cake looked like this:

Here they are:


Well, good-bye there, my name is.......good-bye there, my name is....

The "Master"