The "night before Christmas", eh, no sorry, the "Cafe before Halloween" showed three ghosts: Mya, Erica and Mikayla.
Unfortunately, our "youngest Saturday ghost" couldn't make it today, but the mother of the "super-phsycic boy", Mikayla flew all the way from far-away Ka..... on her broom to join the class!
Maybe like this?

By the way, as I'm from Germany I don't relate to Halloween at all, for it's an Irish tradition brought over to the U.S, where it was commercialized a big deal, and so found it's way also into Japan. That's why in my Cafe or school one won't find any kind of Halloween decoration, and parties are also no held here. BUT: As I found totally ignoring it would also not be the appropriate way, the topic was touched (slightly scratched, so to speak) a little with today's study material:

We did some funny, not very sophisticated Halloween related riddles. The bottom two can actually be accepted as "study material".
I have no idea what we talked about on this day, but I remember clearly that there were no "got stories". 
Oh yes, just remembered one topic: What to do with old, memory-loaded photographs and other belongings from your grandparents, parents, or yourself one day after we all go to where the pumpkin came from? This is a serious "assignment" every generation has to face one day......

We enjoyed some really tasty, not sweet-at-all onion cake......the lucky ones might have met a piece of beacon here and there:

Anyway, thanks for letting us all have a nice day, and I wish you all a great weekend!

The "Master"