I believe it's Tuesday today, but where is..........THE BOSS? 
Well, she didn't show up, but all the other "bosses" turned up - Abigail, Crystal and Courtney!
Our discussion again turned out to be really serious, kicked off by Crystal: She asked us our opinion on the subject of organ donors (See? Heavy!). Since the Japanese law changed, family member's can decide whether to donate the organs of their brain-dead loved ones, or not. They can decide this without the deceased family member's consent, also without a donor card. Since the new regulations, this year has already seen 14 cases of organ donors - opposed to only one case the year before, under the old laws. Crystal was puzzled by this fact, this huge gap in numbers, so she asked us what we thought. I guess from an optimistic point of view, it's great - 14 patients could receive help, maybe their lives were saved, even. On the other hand, me, the quirky businessman, cannot help the feeling that there must be something to gain by the donating relatives of the deceased, otherwise, there wouldn't be such a "rush-hour", would there? 

On the more "lighter side", Courney told us about the selling of a limited number of Mick Jagger produced red California wine. Apparently in Japan, they come with a ¥15000 price tag. I'm big fan, but that is way too much for wine from that part of the earth. Also, the news bust have been really hot, as I couldn't find anything on this subject on the net. Of course, I tried my best, let me introduce to you, Sir Mick Jagger, and some wine with THE tongue on it:


(I'm aware this is not the wine Courtney talked about, but it's all I could find on this EXTREMELY INTERESTING subject!)
Courtney also had a story about a book-selling vending machine which actually prints & binds your book after pressing the button! Eh, do we need this? Couldn't find a good picture, but some more info right here!

Ok, this is getting too long, check out today's study sheet:

And the tasty treat, yummy-sweet muffins today (one each!):

Okay, enuff (enough)m thanks for coming.......

The "Master"