Our main conversation today started with Crystal telling us about an event of "Yon-sama", which straight away led to a misunderstanding on my part - No way, a ticket for "Yon-sama" cannot be ¥ 80.000 (and, of course, it wasn't, it was a mere ¥8000 !). Sorry for that! I guess when I took a shower this morning, I forgot to wash my ears! 
From there, this topic took us to Michael Jackson, Diana, a little bit Mick Jagger, and it ended somewhere totally different.
But that, I will tell you after informing all of those of you who couldn't come today, what a tasty cake you've missed:

A really tasty piece of apple cake!

So, the conversation which started off with that highly popular Korean actor in Japan (not so in Korea, I understand), 
"derailed" so to speak, and we ended up talking about eating insects: Cicadas, spiders etc, and also about how to treat 
cokcroaches and other valuable living beings. If you take a good look, you might find that a little "garden lizard" really has a cute face! I try to like them all, although, with cockroaches it proves quite difficult!

Our "school assignment" today was this one:

Remember the last time you've played with a little, squeezable duck like this in your bathtub?
(Or is this a "western thing" to do?)

Cassandra, Crysal, Olivia & Sabrina - tell the truth!! 

The "Master"