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San Francisco - Part 2 - by 32co

December 18, 2010

The most famous attraction in San Francisco is the Cable Car. They are traveling up(s) and down the hills. (A) Rows of houses along the streets were very beautiful.


Riding a cable car and enjoying the nice view made me so happy, though sitting on the outside-seat was very cold. The driver is called “Grip Man”, and they drive the Cable cars operating three grips.

(Words in purple were added by me, words in red should "Not be there", green means I have corrected something!)

Thank you, 32co!

 The "Master" 


December 18th, Saturday

December 17, 2010
My children's school ended yesterday for the year 2010 - so I can take a break from getting up at 6 every morning to take them all the way to Rokko Island! 

Unfortunately, one of our "Ms.Saturdays" couldn't make it today, but we still were a happy crowd of three + me - Crystal, Laura and Briana.
Briana, being a HUGE fan of the Korean K-Pop group "B2st" (to be pronounced "beast") told us that she went all the way to Korea to see them in concert! 

Here is a recent picture of the them (for people w...
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December 16th, Thursday

December 16, 2010
After the "rush" of the recent Cafe days, today was fairly quiet - "only" Angela & Brittany decided (or had the time?) to show their happy faces.
Angela told us about her (still weak) egg allergy, which was the reason she couldn't get an injection against the flu! did you know that that medicine is partly produced from those tasty, oval things? What a surprise!
She also mentioned she can't eat shrimps, but is still okay (for the time being, she worries) with crabs, which are in high season now....

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December 14th, Tuesday

December 14, 2010
What a nice, warm day it is! At the same time, of course, it's a bit scary - what is wrong with the climate? Have we finally managed to destroy the world?

Nevertheless, a huge group of five members joined in today: Kelsey, Monica, Kiara, Emma and Heather and, I think, we had a good time, enjoying with Almond Sabre (?) cookies:

  (They look like Japanese "あげ"on the picture, don't you agree?)

Our material for the day was something new I found for today by searching the net for "very short, str...
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San Francisco! (By 32co - part 1)

December 11, 2010

San Francisco!! We have wanted to go there for a long time. Everyone knows that many movies were shot in San Francisco. We, especially my daughter used to be a huge fan of “Full House”. Dose anybody know this heart-warming TV drama? We can see some landmarks of San Francisco in this show’s opening scene. That’s why we visited there. Hope you enjoy my photos& report!

(The) Bad weather was expected (while) during our stay(ing), and we almost gave up to see the Golden Gate Bridge. So the ...

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December 11th, Saturday

December 11, 2010
Here I am again trying to find a way to get around "today, blah blah blah"....this proves very difficult, as I have to write about today!
Anyway, I enjoyed the company of Ashley, Crystal & Lindsey on this rainy Saturday. We had a cozy Christmas feel to the Cafe, with German-style "Lebkuchen" (in English: Ginger Bread Cake) - soft & fruity:

And tried our English skills at this paper:

Lindsey talked about & answered our various questions concerning the infamous city of Kasai. What is it about this...
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December 9th, Thursday

December 9, 2010
There was another surprise visit today - 
 by this kind, old man:

He brought my favourite beer, "a winter's tale" - a six-pack(!) - accompanied by the beverage's best friend, two packs of chips! Thanks so much, ladies, for telling Santa about my "craving"!
The girls responsible for this pleasant surprise today hid under the names Kelsey, Courtney, Christina, Kelly and Ashley!
Of course, I love you all! 
Kelsey from Scandinavia needed a little "geography brush-up" about her origin, just for your in...
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December 7th, Tuesday

December 7, 2010
Well well well, see who was here! Yes, that's right - Mikayla is back! After two years, back from Nagasaki! 
(I think maybe she missed me!)
She showed a little surprise at how the Cafe's interior layout had changed, and the "pull-a-name-system" was also new to her. When she left, she said:" See you next week". So, I'm sure she had a good time!

Ashley made a surprise visit to the Cafe today, as she is one of Thursday's crowd. She told us about her enjoyable time at the German Christmas Market in ...
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December 4th, Saturday

December 4, 2010
It was a little quiet as two of the usual, regular members decided to stay away......sniff.
But: I could enjoy Heather and Laura's company, and together we studied the following pet peeves:

Before that, Heather told us that her daughter & her family presently living "down under" were fine, and that her son-in-law was waiting for a working visa. Her granddaughter is now attending a Japanese pre-school after having finished "lessons" in a Japanese nursery. Laura & me were very surprised to hear t...
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December 2nd, Thursday

December 2, 2010
.....and she really didn't come.....

First Cafe day in the last month of the year - arguably the most romantic time of year!
The Cafe, too, is decorated very nicely for the Christmas season, better come and "check it out"!

We enjoyed this first day with two + one, that is Alexandria, Briana and me. I don't have much to write about, as today
was somehow "listening day" for the ladies - upon request, I explained, to the best of my knowledge, the differences between the various ways and style...
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SilberBahn/SilberCafe 挨拶

Tilo Z SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> はドイツ語、 SilverTrain<シルバートレイン>は英語、 日本語で<銀色の列車>を 意味するこの言葉には「乗ると 楽しい所に向かっていける」という 願いを込めました。 それはある日、私のところに 「ドイツ語を教えてほしい」と 女性が一人たずねてきたところ から始まりました。 2000年1月に語学学校として スタート、現在は翻訳通訳や海外 との商品取引の仲介等語学サービス 全般に関わる業務を行っております.。 SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> の詳しい情報は下の青いリンクをクリック して下さい。



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