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November 30th, Tuesday

November 30, 2010
Last day of November, one more month to go in 2010 - I can already hear the rabbit hopping along!

Emma, Katie, Monica and Heather shared the last day of the month with me - first I thought it would be 
a very quiet day, then suddenly everybody showed up together! Thanks a lot for the invasion!

Monica is going to visit a famous "autumn leaves spot" near lake Biwa, Kotosanzan (I think...). For some reason which is beyond my comprehension she has to go on Thursday, meaning she will be absent on that day! You must know, Monica is actually a Thursday-girl!

 Katie talked just a little about the next (who cares?) royal wedding in England because of her name today, Katie, and the next "Diana", who's name is Kate. And I really couldn't care less.....ehem....am I repeating myself?
More important was her story about her visit to Kyoto/Arashiyama area for the purpose of? Guess!! Yes, to enjoy "autumn leaves"! Apparently it was so crowded that somebody compared the situation with 初詣! 

Emma talked about a pottery exhibition by her friend in a gallery next to a coffee shop in Kande (神出) called "Tanpopo".
I understand you can receive free coffee cups when mentioning Emma's real name! 

Heather went on a date with her husband to Inami-Cho to see autumn leaves, yes! They had a bento, but it was too cold to eat outside, so they consumed it really fast!
But more important than that:

Thank you soooo much for remembering I was looking for this extremely delicious beer! I love you! (But don't tell your husband!)
Today's amusing statements were the following:


And  a pic of the cake before I go home:

Enjoy the pre-christmas season & the autumn leaves!

Good Night

The "Master"

November 27th, Saturday

November 27, 2010
Another "ghostly" Saturday with the usual members - Miranda, Christina, Emma & Elisabeth is drawing to an end.......
Why "ghostly"? Well, the topic of autumn leaf viewing naturally popped up again, and we were talking about this famous spot, a temple far, far away in Kasai, at which the area behind the temple is apparently the mysterious entrance to "another world"!! Shiver shiver!

 Miranda wore a skirt today, and looked somehow formal. When asked the reason for this very unusual outfit (No, no...

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November 25th, Thursday

November 25, 2010
A nice Thursday Cafe has passed with Kelly, Miranda, Kiara & me sharing several interesting stories.
Miranda went to see some beautiful autumn leaves at some temple (or did she say shrine?) somewhere in Kasai (now, where have I heard this name before?).......maybe "oriental" can help with the place?

Kiara found an English teacher on youTube by the name of Mr. Duncan. Actually, he seems to be calling himself"misterduncan", all in one word. For reasons I missed to ask Kiara, she was recommending ...
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November 20th, Saturday

November 20, 2010
Today I got notes! Yes! I'll be able to write about everybody's stories! But - do I want to do that? Ha ha ha!
Kiara, Ms. Tuesday, showed up today and told the group about a day return trip with about 21 of her friends (what a popular girl she must be!!) to some very nice mountain/forest area somewhere in the Kyoto prefecture. The group went hiking & walking in the rain, which first was a disappointment, but later turned out to be quite moody. Here is a picture of them:


(Hope you all get the j...

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November 18th, Thursday

November 18, 2010
Is it Christmas already? Is it really Thursday today? I mean, WOW, six (sechs, six,έξι,sei,zes,seis) ladies today!
Emma, Christina, Sabrina, Angela, Cassandra & Shelby joined our chat on this slightly chilly day (I switched on the heating just a little).
Surprisingly though, we pretty much stuck to one main topic today - after crying a little about "Tako Ferry", we mainly discussed Christmas and other festive decorations and seasonal products. This started off with the chocolate I offered be...
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November 16th, Tuesday

November 16, 2010
Four happy faces showed up today, but we got so carried away that I totally forgot to "check" everybody's names!
Anyway, it was Monica, Amy, Emily and Mariah. One of these is a "Thursday spy", another one is going to go on a cruise ship to Shanghai on the "Asuka" (a beautiful ship she is, I just saw her at Meriken Park last Sunday), yet another one is sometimes being referred to as "the boss", and number 4  is a big fan of Terada Pond! Ok, now we all know who was who!

I started the chat with re...
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November 13th, Saturday

November 13, 2010
Hey! Country-Girl (You KNOW who I mean!) - Where were you? 
Ok, fine. So today Kiara, Lindesy, Christina and me had to do without ghost stories!
Kiara and Lindsey were welcomed to the "lost & found" office today - they had to pick up some belongings forgotten last week.

Kiara told us about a reunion she attended recently held at Maiko Villa. Only 12 of her classmates could attend, although her class had about 50 students in the old days. But her grade consisted of seven classes altogether, so I ...
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November 11th, Thursday

November 11, 2010
Cassandra from Greece told us a story about three tomatoes - 

Mother, father and child. They were taking a walk, when the little one started to lag behind. Father went to the child, smashed it, and said:  CATCH UP!  - Ketch up - KETCHUP! Get it? 

Cassandra also taught us a British slang being used by someone who is really tired. It rhymes with the quite well-known and popular: I'm knackered! And it goes like this:

Ok, not really - it goes: I'm cream crackered! I had never heard this one before, ...
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November 9th, Tuesday

November 9, 2010
Mikyala managed to get a new member to her "Terada Pond Fan club", Jamie! She has already visited the place twice - something must be really special about that place. I guess I have to check it out sooner or later, if only to be able to join the exciting chatting about it! Emma had a little "accident": When stepping back, she tripped over the concrete block separating the street and the sidewalk, and fell over backwards, hitting her head! The amazing part of this story is that she managed to ...
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November 6th, Saturday

November 8, 2010
Sorry for this late posting - on Saturday I had to rush off to attend my son's Yamaha-Electone "Concert".
Naturally, I don't remember ANYTHING discussed last Saturday.
But: Thanks for coming Samantha, Chelsea and Jade! One girl forgot her hat & paper bag, the other one her blue pen!

On Sunday, we finally managed to go riding, although in the morning at the departure, it was raining a little...We said: What the heck, let's go!
This was taken in Tamba:

Our study material was this:

And our cake (reall...
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SilberBahn/SilberCafe 挨拶

Tilo Z SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> はドイツ語、 SilverTrain<シルバートレイン>は英語、 日本語で<銀色の列車>を 意味するこの言葉には「乗ると 楽しい所に向かっていける」という 願いを込めました。 それはある日、私のところに 「ドイツ語を教えてほしい」と 女性が一人たずねてきたところ から始まりました。 2000年1月に語学学校として スタート、現在は翻訳通訳や海外 との商品取引の仲介等語学サービス 全般に関わる業務を行っております.。 SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> の詳しい情報は下の青いリンクをクリック して下さい。



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