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November 4th, Thursday

November 4, 2010
13:44......it doesn't look good today.....13:45 - Yesss, Kelly walks through the door (after knocking!), saving my live!
It still doesn't look too good: Kelly, already having received her tea & cake, and me are emotionally preparing to be "alone", meaning a private "lesson" for her. But our "romance" was abruptly interrupted by Briana with a BANG of the door, only to be joined by Shelby shortly afterwards. As it turned out, we had a nice, averagely occupied Cafe today!
Thanks for showing your noses!
I explained the main differences including advantages/disadvantages between my two bikes, a 250cc incredibly practical, economical and comfortable Honda scooter, and my "pride & joy" hobby-Honda, a CB 1300, which is really thirsty, doesn't take any luggage and gives no rain protection. The reason I brought this subject up was the fact that I came to work today using the "big bike", parked down at the stairs. Cafe ladies coming here today couldn't help noticing it: Big, shiny, and incredibly awesome & cool! 

Other subjects: Shelby is going to San Francisco with her daughter! How nice! I wish you a great holiday & watch out for the "soft" boys over there!
Kelly told us that one of our Tuesday regulars purchased a computer (her first one!),the main purpose being to follow this great and amusing blog (ほんまか?). Kelly also told us about a music event at Nara's Todaiji, which she had seen on TV. 
Our study material was another "mysterious coincidence", check it out:


And the picture of today's cake can be found in Tuesday's posting (I wonder why.......).

Have a good weekend

The "Master"

November 2nd, Tuesday

November 2, 2010

So, DID you have a good weekend?  I didn't do too much, as you know, Saturday I'm here playing "the Master", and the following Sunday the weather was not so nice, to say the least, so we just did some shopping, and that was basically it.

Here we are, already counting the second day of the eleventh moth of the year.....gotta start thinking about the new year cards - OMG!

Heather, Katie and me talked a "little about everything"- so it's virtually impossible to "blog" about today's chat, but topi...

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October 30th, Saturday

October 30, 2010
The "night before Christmas", eh, no sorry, the "Cafe before Halloween" showed three ghosts: Mya, Erica and Mikayla.
Unfortunately, our "youngest Saturday ghost" couldn't make it today, but the mother of the "super-phsycic boy", Mikayla flew all the way from far-away Ka..... on her broom to join the class!
Maybe like this?

By the way, as I'm from Germany I don't relate to Halloween at all, for it's an Irish tradition brought over to the U.S, where it was commercialized a big deal, and so found i...
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October 28th, Thursday

October 28, 2010
Hey there ~ Shelby, really long time no see! How have you been? Alexandria, too! Nice to see you two again!
Let's see who else was there.....oh yes, Ms. Tuesday (Sabrina), and Ms. Thursday (Crsytal). What a luxury
Know What I did the first time today? Take a guess from this multiple choice:
① I fell in love with one of the ladies here today
② I wrote "pumpkin pie" on the menu board, but actually served spaghetti
③ I switched on the heater
④ I took the day off & let my uncle play "...
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October 26th, Tuesday

October 26, 2010
We had a "riddle day", even before we could start with this:

 (Absolutely NO relation/connection picture to riddles or vice versa!)

Brittney teased us with one of hers: "Ten sparrows are sitting on a roof. If you shoot one, how many will be left?"
But before that, I teased her with Brittney Spears, an American celebrity who does all kinds of naughty things, like running around with no underwear or hanging out with Paris Hilton, another American celebrity who is also known for not being the nices...
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October 23rd, Saturday

October 23, 2010
Hi, S.S.T! Yes, Super-Saturday-Team! Don't really know what that's suppose to mean.....I guess I'm  running out of ideas how to start this blog. What I meant to say was: Thanks for coming Isabella, Cassandra, Kelly and Jamie! You read correctly - four names! 
And welcome back to the "world of the living", Cassandra! Nice to have you back. Cassandra had been busy on business trips (see the connection - "busy", and "business trip"?), and eventually she got hospitalized for no apparent reason, so...
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October 21st, Thursday

October 21, 2010
Today, my Cafe almost burst at the seams - 5 (five!) people showing up on a Thursday! Haven't had something like this for a long time! 
Let see who the crowd consisted of: Katie (our "newest"), Jade (our "techno-specialist"), Mikayla (our "walking dictionary"), Cassandra (our rep from India), and Isabella (our rep from Tuesday)......oh yes, and me, the guy with the reading glasses!!
Isabella told us (just a little, unfortunately) about an Argentinian movie she "had to see", meaning of course sh...
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October 19th, Tuesday

October 19, 2010
Super-quiet Tuesday! No, I wasn't alone - Gracie & Isabella joined me, and we talked a lot! 
Gracie told us about earlier today how she thought there was a fire, as she met quite heavy smoke on the way back from her (morning?) stroll. It turned out that a man on a field, a former farmer, was burning the usual things farmers usually let go up in smoke during this season, only that his fire was so big that somebody actually called the fire department, and he also got in trouble with the police! ...
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Thank you!

October 18, 2010
Hope nobody stood in front of my door last Saturday!
Thanks for your understanding & see ALL OF YOU tomorrow!

The "Master"

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October 14th, Thursday

October 14, 2010
Hi, ladies - Lindsey, Mikayla, Elisabeth and Alicia! (And of course "hi" to all the others who couldn't make it today!)

The main topic talked about was, quite naturally, the big news about the freed miners in Chile. Anybody watched the rescue operation live on TV? I did, part of it, and I must say, it was somehow moving. The whole world helped wit the rescue operation (the "luxury capsule" is German, although NO German man would ever fit inside!!), probably the whole world followed the proceed...
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SilberBahn/SilberCafe 挨拶

Tilo Z SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> はドイツ語、 SilverTrain<シルバートレイン>は英語、 日本語で<銀色の列車>を 意味するこの言葉には「乗ると 楽しい所に向かっていける」という 願いを込めました。 それはある日、私のところに 「ドイツ語を教えてほしい」と 女性が一人たずねてきたところ から始まりました。 2000年1月に語学学校として スタート、現在は翻訳通訳や海外 との商品取引の仲介等語学サービス 全般に関わる業務を行っております.。 SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> の詳しい情報は下の青いリンクをクリック して下さい。



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