- This Cafe has closed -


Ocotber 12th, Tuesday

October 12, 2010
This nice & sunny second day of the week brought in Ashley, Chelsea and Isabella - by now all regulars, all of them are bosses: Boss, vice-boss, and substitute vice-boss!

Again today, we talked about the Nobel Prize, especially this time concerning the Chinese Peace Prize winner - a fact that really upset the Chinese government. I say: Who cares? Naturally, this topic made us discuss politics again, heavy & serious. We talked about Chinese relations with the world community (they're getting carried away, becoming a little arrogant lately!), connections to North Korea, and eventually Japan's and the U.S's position in all this mess. Rumours have it that the Japanese government released the Chinese captain giving ground to U.S. pressure.....it wouldn't surprise me, though I hope it's not the case. It's not for nothing that Japan is sometimes being looked at as the 51st state of America!
Trying to lighten the subject a little (and out of pure curiosity), I asked about any developments in the Kita-ku murder case of the senior high school boy as I hadn't had a chance to watch the news during the holidays, but the group told me there were no. Nevertheless, we did talk about this incident for a while before turning our attention to some more pet peeves, which, of course, were also discussed (now we all know that Isabella does her private business on a fully automatic toilet!):

And we indulged ourselves with some delicious cocoa-marble-cake, one piece each (as usual!):

Okay, community, please keep in mind that the "arrogant Chinese" are only the ones sitting in the government, the "average Joe" on the street is totally all right, and if he's not, he's probably brainwashed by his country and its' media!

Have a smile and a great, sunny week,

The "Master"


October 9th, Saturday

October 9, 2010

It was "healthy" today - meaning I wasn't alone! 

Three nice "girls" pleased me with their company, Chelsea, Lindsey & Brooklyn. 

Although it was raining cats & dogs, everybody "landed" here safely, and we talked about the 

Nobel prize again, but this time not about the two Japanese, but about the Chinese fellow sitting in prison who received the Peace prize. The Chinese government didn't like this at all, and they're threatening Norway with "consequences". Recently, they always threat other ...

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Ocotber 7th, Thursday

October 7, 2010
Again today, when I was almost certain I could close my little Cafe, Brooklyn, Tuesday's "Boss", turned up to save my day, soon to be followed by Brittany, a loyal member who can be expected here any day, really.
Being the hottest subject in Japan without question since last night, we talked about Alfred N.:

While getting all heated up with the two extremely intelligent Japanese gentlemen, Mr. Suzuki & Mr. Negishi (pictured below, from left to right), Brittany suddenly noticed some figure whoos...
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October 5th, Tuesday

October 5, 2010
I believe it's Tuesday today, but where is..........THE BOSS? 
Well, she didn't show up, but all the other "bosses" turned up - Abigail, Crystal and Courtney!
Our discussion again turned out to be really serious, kicked off by Crystal: She asked us our opinion on the subject of organ donors (See? Heavy!). Since the Japanese law changed, family member's can decide whether to donate the organs of their brain-dead loved ones, or not. They can decide this without the deceased family member's consen...
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October 2nd, Saturday

October 2, 2010
First posting in the new month of October, and it's about 27 degrees outside (and 35 inside?) - SUMMER!
We had a nice crowd which consisted of Mikayla, Kelly, Samantha and Amy! Amazing considering the past two or three
Saturdays - Thanks!
As our "Kasai Farmer", Samantha, showed up today and the harvesting season is full under way, today's main topic was actually RICE!
Apparently, Kasai rice is really tasty (What do I know? I'm a potato eater!). Also, Samantha's daughter got her informal decision ...
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September 30th, Thursday

September 30, 2010
Haven't seen such a busy Thursday in a while - I suppose a little "Thank you" to Jade would be appropriate (pulling some strings)?
So it was Jade, Christina (nice to see you again after some time), Miranda (Ms.Powerful), and loyal Chelsea!
Today, we mainly discussed (again) China-Japan relations, and Japan's position on the world's stage in general. For me, it is extremely interesting how (naturally) people of different generations have distinctive views. My "younger" students from my various p...
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September 28th, Tuesday

September 28, 2010
Well, ladies, time really does fly, doesn't it? Only one more Cafe to go in September, and then it's just three more month until we go "hop hop" into the next year ~ 

If you were born in the year of the rabbit, then this is YOU:

Rabbit (usagi)

Born 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939, 1927, 1915. People born in the year of the Rabbit are the most fortunate. They are smooth talkers, talented, ambitious, virtuous and reserved. They have exceedingly fine taste and regarded with admiration and trust...

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September 25th, Saturday

September 25, 2010
"Saturday" is not feeling well, "Saturday" is lonely, something is wrong with "Saturday"................
 3 weeks in a row only one nose decided to visit the Cafe.....sniff sniff.....


The moment I turned off the fan, Monica walked in and saved my life! Of course, at that time she wasn't Monica yet, as names are decided at a later stage, but you all know that, don't you?

As Monica was also the only one who could manage to check out the German School Oktoberfest (the BEER festival!!), our two mai...

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September 21st, Tuesday

September 21, 2010
The Cafe was CROWDED!  Well, not really, but we had five people here today, which for recent times can be considered a "crowd". This is basically thanks to Miranda (aka Ms. Thursday), who kindly (or eagerly?) showed up today knowing that next Thursday is a public holiday, and there will be NO CAFE - please take note.
Joining her were Jamie, Kelsley, Christina and Heather.

Recently, it's very difficult to summarize the day's chat as there's a trend to switch between lots of short topics almost e...
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September 18th, Saturday

September 21, 2010
Hey, I have NO IDEA what happened here today - only that "Mrs. Tuesday" showed up and had  good time - thanks for 
At that time, I was drinking lot's of beer at the German School Oktoberfest!

I think this was studied:

See you all today!!

The "Master"

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SilberBahn/SilberCafe 挨拶

Tilo Z SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> はドイツ語、 SilverTrain<シルバートレイン>は英語、 日本語で<銀色の列車>を 意味するこの言葉には「乗ると 楽しい所に向かっていける」という 願いを込めました。 それはある日、私のところに 「ドイツ語を教えてほしい」と 女性が一人たずねてきたところ から始まりました。 2000年1月に語学学校として スタート、現在は翻訳通訳や海外 との商品取引の仲介等語学サービス 全般に関わる業務を行っております.。 SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> の詳しい情報は下の青いリンクをクリック して下さい。



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