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September 16th, Thursday

September 16, 2010
....and after musing a little about which option to choose, I eventually did switch on the air conditioner. The weather has been very nice to us lately, and we were even spoiled with some long awaited rain last night - I can hear all the trees and flowers in my garden cheering! Alicia was really fortunate: She had just planted onion and carrot seeds yesterday, and as all we "green-fingered" people of course know, a good load of rain couldn't come at a better time! 

Let me at this point introduce today's "green-fingers": Emma (from Germany), Alicia (from England), and Emily (she didn't mention where she was from, but some Latin place).

We talked about cultural differences: I kicked off the topic mentioning that Japan, having quite an image of being very narrow (minded), much bound to rules, traditions and customs, just might be the easier place to live freely ("freely" meaning: Do what you want) than Germany, a country also stuck in a lot of strange bureaucracy, if you DO ignore all these rules etc. 
What does our "cafe community" think about this?

We studied "Random thoughts" again, and tried to think of similar actions we take without ever having being told to do so, like the kids in the second passage (but couldn't really find any):

(That is NOT me, playing Mario Cart 64 there when I was younger!)

We enjoyed a delicious marble cake, and went our separate ways..............

Thanks for coming & have a great weekend!

The "Master"

September 14th, Tuesday

September 14, 2010
After quite a while, Jamie, Catherine, Amy and Kiara (and me, of course!) were able to say:


Yes, we could say "hello" to a new face today! She is one of the "younger ones", a single (?) lady from Akashi -
welcome to the crazy bunch! We hope you'll enjoy your time with us!

We ate a refreshing berry mousse, looking like this:

A feeling of relieve showed among our people as finally autumn's footsteps can be heard in the mornings and evenings...
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September 11th, Saturday

September 11, 2010
Emma, Jamie and Alexandria visited the Cafe today.....and.......yes, we continued our "ghost stories"!
Now, read this (I mentioned before that Jamie's son is psychic, seeing "things"....):
One night, he was lying in bed, trying to sleep. Suddenly, his compo turns itself on! He got up and switched it off, just to see the same thing repeating itself! Next, he decided to pull the plug (at this stage he was sure "somebody" was with him in his room, although he couldn't see "anybody" - yet!). Next, ...
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September 9th, Thursday

September 9, 2010
Finally it seems like, very slowly, autumn is approaching. Temperature still high, the breeze is a little dry and refreshing.
On this day, three ladies showed up, and joined in for banana cake, tea & coffee:

(There's no picture of the tea & coffee -please use your imagination!)

Today's topics were extremely "mature, adult topics": We talked about the crazy American priest who is planning to burn the Koran in commemoration of the  9/11 terror attacks, a little about last Tuesday's discussion abou...
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September 7th, Tuesday

September 7, 2010
Tuesday's Cafe is my favourite Cafe, next to Thursday's and Saturday's! I guess that means that I like them all!

 As Taifun no.7 (correct?) has made last night and this morning a little more comfortable to sleep, our chat began (as usual) with talking about the weather. People say, and they are probably right, that the Seishin New-Town area is about 2~3 degrees lower, than.... Than where?  Central Osaka? Uo-No-Tana? Any ideas? The crux is, WHERE are these people comparing to? But as I said, th...

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September 4th, Saturday

September 4, 2010
Heeee~~~~~~~~yyyyy! Where were you all??? C'mon, it's not THAT hot!
Loyal Tiffany showed up, totally alone, so she could enjoy a very intensive, educational private
Cafe chat! 
We covered various topics: How animals have to suffer due to the human destruction of their habitat: A a bear cub got his head stuck in a jar for about ten days, but people couldn't help it, as its' mother (a BIG bear) didn't leave the site. Eventually, they tranquilized the mother, and they were able to help the little c...
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September 2nd, Thursday

September 2, 2010
Already day two of September and the heat goes on! In Germany, they started talking about the "golden autumn".............
Well, at least here in Japan we always have something to say in case we run out of topics: あつ〜いですね...!

In this sauna weather Miranda and Christina joined me, and we talked mostly about cars (yes, really!) and navigation systems. Kicking this topic off was Miranda's little "incident" where she came just a little too close to an electric pole and gave it a...
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August 31st. Tuesday

August 31, 2010
Last day of August and still unbelievably HOT!
We totally forgot going through the names, but of course, everybody picked one, and they were the following:
Brittney, Alexandria and Sabrina! Thanks for showing up today! 
The main topic of the day: Vending machines. Why? Because I heard a report on the radio this morning about one of those convenient robots selling  BANANAS  in Tokyo! I found a picture on the web, although I'm not sure if this is the one the DJs were talking about:

The design of th...
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August 28th, Saturday

August 30, 2010
Well, on this hot Saturday Crystal, Mya, Angela and me for some reason I forgot already talked about ghosts, spirits and supernatural phenomenons. It is a topic very popular in Japan during the hot, humid & mysterious "Obon season", although for that, we were a little "behind schedule"! 
I myself have never had an encounter with a ghost or anything of that sort, neither had Mya nor Crystal. Angela, too, BUT her son has lots of "special powers", and Angela told us about them. YES, her son can S...
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August 26th, Thursday

August 26, 2010
.......And the heat still goes on!

But nevertheless, three tough ladies made their way to my "not so cool" Cafe: Samantha (A "Tuesday spy"), Angela (quite simply "Ms. Thursday"), and Mya (Our "Wakling dictionary"). 

First, I told the group the unbelievable (stupid) news about the Japanese family living in America where the father got arrested for taking a bath together with his own daughter, the charge being child abuse.............Okay, so better don't take
a peaceful bath with your own child, ...
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SilberBahn/SilberCafe 挨拶

Tilo Z SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> はドイツ語、 SilverTrain<シルバートレイン>は英語、 日本語で<銀色の列車>を 意味するこの言葉には「乗ると 楽しい所に向かっていける」という 願いを込めました。 それはある日、私のところに 「ドイツ語を教えてほしい」と 女性が一人たずねてきたところ から始まりました。 2000年1月に語学学校として スタート、現在は翻訳通訳や海外 との商品取引の仲介等語学サービス 全般に関わる業務を行っております.。 SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> の詳しい情報は下の青いリンクをクリック して下さい。



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