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August 24th, Tuesday

August 24, 2010
Despite it being another very hot Tuesday today, 4 "loyals" pleased me with their company: Kiara, Chelsea, Miranda and Crystal. As it was Crystal's and Miranda's first time after my holiday, I had to face some more questions about Germany, but our conversation soon drifted to "abroad in general" (most of our ladies here have one or another travel experience), and we discussed the Japanese custom of buying & giving souvenirs, which sometimes turns out to have a little "mandatory" feel to it. 
We also talked about the unique idea by an airline to install "standing seats" on their planes with the purpose of making even more money - read on!
Once you're on the plane, seats might look like this:

Our tasty sweet was purple today:

And we learned some useful idioms today, some which are actually being used in daily conversation quite frequently:

Ok, keep on sweating (but don't melt!)

The "Master"

August 21st, Saturday

August 21, 2010
Hi, and sorry for the late posting.Naturally, I don't remember anything after the weekend!
Lindsey, Alexandria, Angela and Isabella showed up - this is actually the highest number since my return from Germany:
A Saturday beating both Tuesday & Thursday in attendance! 
Again of course, it was my turn to talk about Germany, but the chat was less one-sided as we could also enjoy Angela's interesting story about her visit to her friend's wedding in Korea. Did you know that by Korean custom one shoul...

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August 19th, Thursday (Better Half's Birthday, cheers!)

August 19, 2010
Three young ladies showed up in today's heat - Brittney, Angela, and Erica. I was happy to hear that you had missed the Cafe during my absence! Really! 
Today again, I explained about my experiences in Germany, differences (good & bad) between these two countries which share roughly about the same landmass, but are so totally diverse.
Foodstuff, groceries & BEER is so much cheaper than in Japan - although it wasn't really hot while I was over there, I drank beer non-stop! I mean, wouldn't anyon...
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August 17th, Tuesday

August 17, 2010
Hey, we were OPEN today - have you all forgotten? 


Our "Tuesday Girl", aka "The Boss" had remembered, and so the two of us had a nice "date" - it was mainly me talking about my trip to Germany. In other words, nothing to report here today, as I'm sure you all would like to hear my stories "live" tomorrow or maybe Saturday, or maybe next week?

So just look at our "paper" (you'll meet this one "in person" on Thursday), and our tasty, refreshing dessert you'll might have a chance to see soon, too...
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Special announcement!

August 16, 2010
I'm back!

Hope to see many of you tomorrow!

The "Master"

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July 27th, Tuesday - Last message for a while!

July 27, 2010
Laura, Samantha & Ashley - thanks so much for coming on the last day before the long summer vacation! 
I'll be off the ground tomorrow night at 23:15 (if everything goes as scheduled, that is!)

We mainly talked about recent news as we see them on TV: A terrible accident at the "love parade" (a huge outdoor music dance festival in Germany) with many fatalities reminding us of the accident some years ago at the Fireworks
event at Akashi, Okura-Kaigan. Another story was about the rescue helicopter ...

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July 24th, Saturday

July 24, 2010
Thanks to "Tuesday-Girl" Emma (from Germany!!) today was really crowded! Five altogether: Catherine, Jade, Christina, Cassandra, and Emma. This is quite unusual, 'cause don't forget - it's a Saturday! 
Jade had some news about the famous question of which one was first, the chicken or the egg. Well, according to a British scientist, they finally found the answer - the chicken! Why? Because in order to produce the eggshell, protein is needed. Protein can be found inside the hen's (female chicke...
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July 24th, Saturday

July 24, 2010
Thanks to "Tuesday-Girl" Emma (from Germany!!) today was really crowded! Five altogether: Catherine, Jade, Christina, Cassandra, and Emma. This is quite unusual, 'cause don't forget - it's a Saturday! 
Jade had some news about the famous question of which one was first, the chicken or the egg. Well, according to British scientist, they finally found the answer - the chicken! Why? Because in order to produce the egg-shell, protein is needed. Protein can be found inside the hen's (female chicken...
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July 22nd, Thursday

July 22, 2010
I should really start writing the  blog straight after the Cafe finishes....it's so hard to remember! 
Two "Thursdayers" showed up today, Ashley & Tiffany. After having the sure, confident feeling that nobody else would 
show up today (also as Ashley had some information about one absentee), we decided to "break the routine" and start the day with the mandatory "material":

The contents of this passage led us to discussing the differences between &. I had a very difficult time to explain
to ...
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July 20th, Tuesday

July 20, 2010
Tomorrow in one week I'll be in the air - on my way to Germany! Of course I'm excited, but also a little nervous....can I cover all the things on my "want-to-do-list" in just two weeks? Obviously, by Japanese standards, a 14-day-holiday is extremely long, but I have to catch up about 5 years! 
On this very nice & hot day, the Cafe saw the usual "Tuesday crowd" - Chelsea, Kelsey, Courtney and Lindsey. As you all know, Summer officially started yesterday, so we kicked off with: "Oh, it's so...
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SilberBahn/SilberCafe 挨拶

Tilo Z SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> はドイツ語、 SilverTrain<シルバートレイン>は英語、 日本語で<銀色の列車>を 意味するこの言葉には「乗ると 楽しい所に向かっていける」という 願いを込めました。 それはある日、私のところに 「ドイツ語を教えてほしい」と 女性が一人たずねてきたところ から始まりました。 2000年1月に語学学校として スタート、現在は翻訳通訳や海外 との商品取引の仲介等語学サービス 全般に関わる業務を行っております.。 SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> の詳しい情報は下の青いリンクをクリック して下さい。



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