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June 26th, Saturday

June 26, 2010
As I honestly didn't expect anybody to show up today in this terrible weather (seriously cats & dogs!), the more happy I was to be surprised by two happy faces, Alexandria and Crystal. REALLY thanks for coming in these conditions!

We had some trouble getting things off the ground, getting the motor running so to speak....A little bit of football of course
(CONGRATULATIONS JAPAN!!!), then talked a little bit about "patriotism" ( a term I really don't like too much, associating it with American flags on every possible door or window or wall) which I think Japan should have a little more of, not only during events like the world cup. Be proud of your country, your history, your culture, and mostly your language - don't let it be infested with more and more strange カタカナ-words day by day!

Well, just a thought. 

(And somebody please stop me from being sooooo critical!)

Today's English phrase looked like this:

For "the sweet", please check out Thursday's blog!

Once again, I appreciate your swimming to the Cafe today!

The "Master"

June 24th, Thursday

June 24, 2010
Nice little crowd today, more or less our Thursday regulars, especially now since Katie is back from her stay in Australia, where she had visited her daughter. Welcome "home", and thanx for the おみやげ-chocolate, was not too sweet & quite yummy! Joining Katie today saw Jamie, Alexandria and Kelsey. We talked a little about everything, so I have to see what I remember......
Of course, there were some nice Australia memories we could listen to, and my urge to want to visit the place became ...
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June 22nd, Tuesday

June 22, 2010
Lot's of YOUNG GIRLS here today: The Kakogawa Sisters Madison & Elizabeth, Brittney (who calls the Kakogawa Sisters the Kakogawa Sisters!!), Kelly (aka Ms. Tuesday), and Lindsey, our "she'll show up anyday" girl! 
While eating this refreshing cheese cake looking like this - 

(Check out the table cloth!)

we talked about a lot of things today, snakes & gadgets..........
First, about the snake: Brittney was visited by a long, thin, greyish-coloured snake in her hallway. First she thought it was a ro...
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June 19th, Saturday

June 19, 2010
"Me & my girl" had a good, very quiet time on this hot and humid Saturday! 
One of the youngest members of our Cafe save my day today, and she had a lucky, private "lesson"!
As she was alone, we didn't bother picking a name today.
We talked about various topics, including football, of course, but it turned out that she wasn't interested. Instead, she had a serious query: She got invited by a Korean friend to attend her wedding (in Korea), and she isn't sure what to wear, and what kind of gift sh...
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June 17th, Thursday

June 17, 2010
We were a nice crowd today on this really hot & sunny Thursday - 
and although Emily and Briana were not really interested in today's topic, them, me and Lindsey, Alicia and Elisabeth couldn't help but talk about FOOTBALL! With all its' little problems: "Strange" ball, security guards going on strike, the tournaments' favourites not playing too strong (besides Germany, OF COURSE!)........etc........

Besides the world's most popular sport (more about that later, in "the paper"), we also talked a...
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June 15th, Tuesday - Rain, rain, and more rain!

June 15, 2010
Congratulation on our first victories in the Football World Cup - 1 - 0 Japan, 4 - 0 Germany! 

The day today was so quiet & wet, that my two "Tuesday representatives" didn't even bother to pick names for the Cafe!
Let's call them Anna & Claudia (or whatever!).
We mainly listened to and talked about Anna's "secret" trip to Spain. Yes, that's right, she didn't mention it to anyone here!
She had a good time with good food and sightseeing, this time traveling by package tour, which for Anna & her hus...
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June 12th, Saturday

June 12, 2010
Summer is coming, definitely, but today we managed with a wide-open door, and two fans.
We stands for Valentino, Cassandra, Crystal and me.
I tried to get just a little excited about the Football World Cup with the group, but today's members were difficult to get in the boat, Crystal cares more about Koshien (really, me too!).
Cassandra had some story about students at Kyoto university who were given the unbelievably lucky chance to study abroad for one semester at all costs covered, but...........
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June 10th, Thursday

June 10, 2010
Today we talked about numbers, and their association with superstition, and probably religion.
We, that were Emma, Monica and Heather (et moi!). A little quiet, but I guess it's to blame on the nice weather.......
Nevertheless, we enjoyed a really mature discussion about above mentioned topics:
13 is a unlucky number in western cultures, so you won't find "gate 13" at airports, for instance. 4 is considered unlucky due one of the many readings it can be read here in Japan, so you won't find "roo...
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June 8th, Tuesday

June 8, 2010
Psssst.......quiet now.......pssst! 
Yes, it turned out to be unusual quiet Tuesday - only Emma & Mikayla showed up, two of our "loyal veterans"!
Emma brought in a interesting topic (she "stole" from a Sunday TV prgramme!) about several men finding themselves in the following situation: Their ship is sinking - they need to jump into the sea. What does the captain say to each of the men in order to get them to take that brave step?
1) To the American: You'll be a hero if you jump!
2) To the Italia...

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June 5th, Saturday

June 5, 2010
Yes!  Finally some more people here today -
Bill, Shelby, Brooklyn & Mikayla joined on this summer-like Saturday - thanks for letting your feet (and cars) take you here!

Although I didn't really want to, we somehow ended up talking a little about the ridiculous Japanese government before changing lanes to some lighter subjects, and we had really good ones today:
Bill new EVERYTHING about the turtles living in a nearby (extremely) dirty river, and Brooklyn had some top secret information about Mi...
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SilberBahn/SilberCafe 挨拶

Tilo Z SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> はドイツ語、 SilverTrain<シルバートレイン>は英語、 日本語で<銀色の列車>を 意味するこの言葉には「乗ると 楽しい所に向かっていける」という 願いを込めました。 それはある日、私のところに 「ドイツ語を教えてほしい」と 女性が一人たずねてきたところ から始まりました。 2000年1月に語学学校として スタート、現在は翻訳通訳や海外 との商品取引の仲介等語学サービス 全般に関わる業務を行っております.。 SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> の詳しい情報は下の青いリンクをクリック して下さい。



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