- This Cafe has closed -


June 3rd, Thursday

June 4, 2010
For Miranda, Lindsey & Jade - very sorry I had to rush off straight after the Cafe, but - I made in on time. I left here around 15:13, and arrived at my son's school on Rokko Island pretty much exactly at 16:00! Actually, I probably could have gotten there earlier, but I made two little mistakes:
1) I missed the junction near Maya which would have taken me onto the Harbour Highway, which again goes from Port Island directly to the other man-made piece of land. I didn't know a link existed, and when I noticed, I was already too fast, and passed it.
2) Secondly, I had planned to leave the highway at Uozaki, not knowing that that ramp is for joining only, so I couldn't get off. Next exit was Fuake, way too far. This forced me to make a (legal) U-turn and go back along route 43.

For the ladies (and gentlemen) who couldn't join last Thursday: Now you all know why this posting is late!

Obviously, I mostly forgot what we talked about, although I vaguely remember some "ossan's" name starting with an "H", and ending with an "A" who recently quit his part-time job in Tokyo. This one?


Or this young fellow?

Sexy hairstyle, ey?

Of course we studied a little, too:

That's all 'cause I don't remember - somebody pleeease come tomorrow!

Thank you Miranda, Lindsey & Jade!

The "Master"

June 1st, Tuesday

June 1, 2010
I suppose I can again call this a good start into the new month, June, the month of the rainy season. Although I somehow doubt the rain will come "as scheduled", as the weather has been more then strange lately, not reliable at all!
We were 7 (which includes me, but sounds better then 6, doesn't it?):
Lot's of people from England today - Ashley, Alicia, Madison and Courtney, plus Brooklyn from America & Sabrina from the "Latin world".
Ashley, it was really nice to see you (two) again - I believe...

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May 29th, Saturday

May 29, 2010
What a lousy way to finish up the end of May - again only one nice lady on this Saturday! 
Nevertheless, I feel we had a very good time today, talking about nothing other but gays! Yes, that's true! We started chatting about music, and after somehow ending up with Boy George (lead singer of Culture Club, a famous band in the 80s), nothing could stop us! 
Has any of you ladies ever visited a gay bar/show pub? For men it is really disgusting, but women seem to enjoy a vi...

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May 27th, Thursday

May 27, 2010
Hi, "community"!
Well, what a relieve to see so many happy (and not so happy) faces here today - I expected "the worse", so to speak,
but five eager ladies showed up today: Jade (the "unfortunate" one, but more of that later), Christina (the "riddle lady" - it was her second time here this week!), Courtney (our "native American" & my big help), Emily (our "quiet beauty"), and Amy (THE Tuesday lady per se). 
The group started today by listening to my traffic accident story with all its' gloomy de...
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May 25th, Tuesday (?)

May 25, 2010
So, why is there a question mark behind Tuesday? Well, the answer to this one is easy: Because 
today just didn't "feel" like it - my two Tuesday regulars didn't show up, instead Shelby (a definite "Thursdayer") 
pleased me with her company, joined by Chelsea, Elisabeth and Jade. 
These three ladies do sometimes show up on other days, so I had a strange "Thursday feeling" today.
This time, I started telling the group about my very bad news: 
First, how a big truck ran into the back of my car last ...

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May 22nd, Saturday

May 22, 2010
Ok, this will be short, as today saw Kelsey..............and..............eh, Kelsey....no, wait, that's one and the same person...
right, it was ONLY Kelsey, and she had a lucky (?) private chat lesson!
Where were you, other Saturday (young) ladies? We missed you!

Today, Kelsey and me talked about getting forgettable, and how annoying it is. I was looking for my wallet yesterday, at home, here at the office, while the bloody piece of leather had been in my bag all the time......ngg... shoot me,...

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May 20th, Thursday - Big SCOOP!

May 20, 2010
Hey friends!
We were three beauties today - Kiara (Irish), Courtney and Katie (both English), and we talked about various topics:
Courtney, who is a member of a Hula Dance group had the chance to visit a performance by a group of "real" Hawaiian Hula Dancers, and this experience totally changed her view of the art - unfortunately negatively. That is, not that she suddenly stopped liking Hula (rather the opposite), but that she realized how "fake", how "copied" the performances of her group had ...

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May 18th, Tuesday

May 18, 2010
Hi, group!
I'm pleased to say that at a steady pace the Cafe was able to once again say hello to a new, cheerful lady - Kelly from Ireland! A warm welcome to you, we're pleased you decided to join the club (of the "wild ladies"!). 
Our veterans Chelsea, Katie, Kelsey, Brooklyn, and our "still fresh" Heather took good care of her. But actually, Kelly turned out to be a very fluent speaker of the English language, and not nervous or shy at all! Great job, keep it up!

Among the subjects today was a...

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May 15th, Saturday

May 15, 2010
Hello - and once again, we were able to welcome a new (and YOUNG!) member to our crazy bunch: Shelby! 
Say hello to Shelby, and a very warm welcome! She was "abducted" by Mya and brought to this fun place - thanx Mya!
Also joining were Erica, Alexandria, and Ashley. Recently, no "boys" are showing up (sorry, girls!).
I really, and once again, don't remember what topics were on the agenda today. Besides, of course, the usual questions for the "new face". 
Our phrase today looked like th...

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May 13th, Thursday

May 13, 2010
So, as Emma (from Germany!) mentioned so appropriately, how am I going to summarize today's "heavy" and "light" discussions? Her, Crystal and Heather (who first said she was tired, so she would be on the receiving end, but eventually talked actively as usual!), first complained (as usual!) about the lying politicians around the world, later about high-speed trains after I mentioned that the new "Tohoku-Shinkasen" is REALLY ugly. The politician talk was triggered off by the news of the new lea...
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SilberBahn/SilberCafe 挨拶

Tilo Z SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> はドイツ語、 SilverTrain<シルバートレイン>は英語、 日本語で<銀色の列車>を 意味するこの言葉には「乗ると 楽しい所に向かっていける」という 願いを込めました。 それはある日、私のところに 「ドイツ語を教えてほしい」と 女性が一人たずねてきたところ から始まりました。 2000年1月に語学学校として スタート、現在は翻訳通訳や海外 との商品取引の仲介等語学サービス 全般に関わる業務を行っております.。 SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> の詳しい情報は下の青いリンクをクリック して下さい。



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