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May 11th, Tuesday (Raining again!)

May 11, 2010
Hi, folks!
We were a nice group of 5 today - Jade, Briana, Mikayla, Amy, and Courtney (et moi = and me, French).
We talked a little about the exhaustion suffered by our "older age group" after having to take care of hordes of 
grandchildren during the Golden Week! 
Other main topics today were foreign shopping establishments - IKEA & COSTCO, to be specific. Surprisingly, 4 out of our 
5 girls here today had never visited Ikea. Ikea is a Swedish owned furniture store (nearest one on Port Island), with a unique style which lets one enjoy a trip "overseas" without actually buying anything. I recommend a visit - and while you're there, don't forget to catch one of their hotdogs, "yummlicious" and only a 100 ¥! 
COSTCO, an American owned and styled grocery & market on the other hand (nearest one in Amagasaki), I can't really recommend. First of all, you need to obtain membership to even enter the store, and when you're trying to leave, staff request to check your receipt against the items in your shopping bags! It's feels kind of rude, I think. Everything sold there is BIG: Quantities, B-B-Q sets, safes etc....precisely American! Having said that, a visit there IS an experience (especially for people interested in foreign products & culture, just like the "Cafe ladies"!), so find somebody who is a member, and ask to be taken there. I did check their website for a trial membership or something similar, but unfortunately couldn't find anything.

Today's English phrase was the following:

And our cake, a delicious Banana cake:

It was nice to see Briana (Saturday's girl's daughter) again after aaaaages (what kept her away?), and also "Ms. MJ", Jade! We were all really worrried, you know!

Thanks for coming!

The "Master"

P.S. 32co - where are you?

May 8th, Saturday

May 8, 2010
Hi, young people!
Yes, because today, 50% of our eager ladies were "under 30" - Kelly from Ireland, and Mya from Italy caused this unusual phenomenon. So today, these two girls and our Saturday regular, Elisabeth, were able to welcome yet another newcomer, Heather from England. Hi, Heather, don't be shy - I wish you a good time with the regular "herd"!

We talked about everybody's Golden Week activities - some went to libraries (to become even smarter?), another one was obeying to her dog's need...

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May 6th, Thursday (back in business!)

May 6, 2010
Ok, trying to get the life back to normal after enjoying a sunny, Golden Week! On Sunday I had my little concert at the
"親父バンド祭り" in Kakogawa, and I'd like to thank all the loyal members who showed up for doing so. I hope you had a good time. On Monday I enjoyed a nice B-B-Q at home with my best friend, Ken, who I hadn't seen for over three years. How surprised I was when he said "初めまして" to my daughter (who'll be 4 in December!). But I guess it just shows that true frie...
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May 1st, Saturday

May 1, 2010
It was a good start into the beautiful month of May, especially as we could today welcome another "newbie", the type which really lowers our average age significantly - Briana is "below" 30 - enough said! 
A warm welcome to you from the Saturday bunch, the others, and of course, me! I hope you'll have a great time with the veterans! 
As usually, a "new face" means bombarding with questions by the "oldies", and Shelby, Cassandra and Alexandria didn't hesitate at all to follow the tradition! 

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April 27th, Tuesday (My Birthday - REALLY!)

April 27, 2010
Hi crowd - thanks for coming on this happy (?) day for me, my "anniversary"!
Elisabeth spoiled me with some rare foreign beer (for tonight, obviously!), Emma brought some eatable souvenir from Taiwan (she received from someone, she didn't go there), Angela treated us with a (she said 'easy') riddle, which I couldn't solve, due to not knowing the "other" meaning of fish: 
 Why are fish smart?

Please spend some sleepless nights on this one - if you require help, don't hesitate to ask! 

 Gracie & Ja...

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April 24, 2010
For all you music lovers - on May 2nd, Sunday, there will be an event called 親父バンド祭り, held at 
加古川非岡山公園. For people who are not too familiar with Kanji (Me!!), the place is called Hiokayama Koen in Kakogawa.
The concert starts at about 11 am, and closes around 5 pm. As 8 or 9 bands are going to play, the time will most probably shift little by little towards the evening. As this event is taking place in a park ,outdoors, why don't you bring a Bento and check it out...

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April 24th, Saturday

April 24, 2010
Today was S.Q.S (not S.O.S) - Super - Quiet - Saturday! Of course, I just made this up! 
Loyal Miya from Italy joined today. She had a very heart-warming story about a Slovakian couple who got stuck in Taiwan because of the volcanic eruption: Apparently they were planning to get married on the 24th of April (which would be today), but as they obviously couldn't get back on time, a hotel owner threw them a wedding party at his hotel, inviting strangers (probably other stuck people). The coup...
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A contribution by "AY" (our Kasai-Girl)

April 22, 2010
One Saturday AY explained to the group about a unique festival in her hometown, Kasai. As it sounded kind of funny (men wearing Kimono in combination with "normal" shoes) I asked her if she could show us some pictures. And so she did, or rather, she is going to, as I'm going to share them with you now. Apparently, the festival is something like a "opposite Harem", if you know what I mean! One Goddess being surrounded by a whole bunch of men! First I planned to choose only one or two "funny" p...
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32co's India report (the "Climax")

April 22, 2010
Today, please enjoy 32's final (and best?) section of her report on India:

“My precious memory”

 I visited two Indian houses. One of them was in the slum. I happened to go there after my friend saw her home doctor who was like Akahige-Sensei in India (He looks after poor people and his fee is Rs.20 as the minimum.) From his very small clinic, we walked through the slum for about 15 minutes. The road was dusty and bad. And there were so many small huts on both sides of the street. Their hou...

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April 22nd, Thursday

April 22, 2010
On this lousy-weather-Thursday 6+me tried to "conquer" part two in the series "Pet Peeves" - see what annoys you!:

We had a really, fun & heated-up discussion about all these examples above (there are, of course, LOT'S MORE!), some of us could reflect their daily lives, maybe me the most (because I'm married, right?)!
Today it felt like Emma (and a little bit her husband) could be my wife - visitors today understand what I mean!

Before the "peeves", our main topics today were.......................
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SilberBahn/SilberCafe 挨拶

Tilo Z SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> はドイツ語、 SilverTrain<シルバートレイン>は英語、 日本語で<銀色の列車>を 意味するこの言葉には「乗ると 楽しい所に向かっていける」という 願いを込めました。 それはある日、私のところに 「ドイツ語を教えてほしい」と 女性が一人たずねてきたところ から始まりました。 2000年1月に語学学校として スタート、現在は翻訳通訳や海外 との商品取引の仲介等語学サービス 全般に関わる業務を行っております.。 SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> の詳しい情報は下の青いリンクをクリック して下さい。



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