- This Cafe has closed -


June 28th, Tuesday

June 28, 2011
A lot of people today talked about snakes, bugs, insects, fireflies, dragonflies, Chinese drinking extremely fresh snake blood, Japanese eating extremely fresh fish, and "Masters" being really kind to all kinds of living beings, not even hitting on cockroaches with slippers or newspapers! 
My advice to enjoy a peaceful life with cockroaches in harmony: Give them names!

Let me introduce to you: PETER & FELIX! Aren't they cute????

So, Ashley, Cassandra, Jamie, Miranda and Mikayla (and everybody else in this world!) - Please be kind to all of nature's creations! They all have the same rights to live!
Miranda als wants everybody to know about an interesting, educational yet simple English conversation site - please take a look (and become even more fluent in this language!) - THIS ONE - GO GO GO!

And our taste buds were spoiled by some delicious "Brownies" - looking like this: BROWN (as the name suggests!):

And once again, that's it for today! Thanks for coming and see you soon!

The "Master"

June 25th, Saturday

June 25, 2011
Before even starting with doing the "round" asking everybody's names, we all got carried away discussing the unique, Japanese "invention" of Women only cars on the JR and Kobe underground lines. It's quite amazing how many ladies actually became victims to these perverts at some point or another. I would find it very interesting to see some statistics (%) of the number of these unfortunate ladies. Also interesting was the fact Jacqueline pointed out that apparently the other way round also ex...
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June 23rd, Thursday

June 23, 2011
First of all, thank you for your cooperation & understanding last Tuesday - I can only hope nobody stood in front of my door....
Thanks to some Tuesday members, today was well occupied:
Barret visited Shimane, mainly to check out the world of Kitaro. Among places he and his wife visited was the Mizuki Shigeru museum, the man responsible for the Kitaro stories. Barrets topic started a surprisingly exciting debate about Kitaro - some likes, some dislikes, old Kitaro, new Kitaro etc.


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June 18th, Saturday

June 18, 2011
Hello from Futami!

What a crowded Cafe - Katy from the Tuesday crowd, Ashley, Alicia, Alexandria, Michaela and Olivia joined the party!
Katy showed up as she cannot make it next Tuesday  - she seemed a little nervous at the beginning with all the "new faces", but blended in in no time!

Ashley was fine, Alicia a little tired after having returned from a trip to England on Wednesday, Alexandria and Olivia were doing fine, and Michaela was at high spirits - meaning mentally fine - but physically no...
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June 16th, Thursday

June 16, 2011
Thanks everybody for "swimming by" in this wet weather!  
Our movie-goer, Chelsea, went to see the latest episode of "X-Men", and to my surprise felt that it was the best of the series so far. I was surprised as from experience I feel that usually the first is always the best - Back to the future, Die Hard, Beverly Hills Cop, 48-Hours etc. I can hear you all say: "When is the last time the Master went to the cinema?" And yes, you're right, I haven't been to the movies for ages!!
Alexandria had ...
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June 14th, Tuesday

June 14, 2011
Hello, people!
We were 3 +1 today: Christina,who doesn't like the summer in Japan as it makes her tired and lose her appetite, celebrated her grandson's birthday recently by giving his father (her son) a present and some pocket money to pass on to the birthday boy. When he later called her to say "thank you", she noticed that his voice had undergone voice change! Last time she had met him was in October of last year! 
With Lindsey we talked about her dog, and how she doesn't like taking him out...
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June 11th, Saturday

June 11, 2011
Funny, how hard it is to predict the future - I expected about 6 or  7 people today, however only Jacqueline & Kelsey showed up! The reason I thought so is because two of our Tuesday ladies said that they would come, plus our usual Saturday crowd and maybe our precious "boy" - well, that would make about six or seven noses, wouldn't it? And I made sooo much coffee (which I'm drinking now!).

Jacqueline finished farming, Kelsey had yet another story about an unusual vending machine: This machine...
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June 9th, Thursday

June 9, 2011
Hello world!
Mariah, Samantha (a Tuesday "spy") and Madison cheered me up with their company today! Thanks for being here! 
Maria, Samantha and another "unknown friend" to me told us about a "meeting" in a "rental room" somewhere in Kakogawa close to the Cafe-famous Terada pond. Apparently, a house which used to be a coffee shop is now serving as a recycle shop and this "rental room": It's a room suitable for about 10 people, and can be used for everything really. As there is a whiteboard, meet...
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June 7th, Tuesday

June 7, 2011
As the lady with the famous Japanese city name was absent, it was a little quiet this Tuesday - "only" Chelsea from England, Emma from Germany (I hear it's a nice place!), and Michaela from Israel joined in today. 
Chelsea was a little tired, having spent a busy time traveling through almost every Japanese prefecture, and attending a "Yuino Gathering" in preparation for her son's wedding - Congratulations!
Michaela also travelled domestically, namely to Yokohama, to visit her daughter and atten...
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June 4th, Saturday

June 4, 2011
A quiet Saturday for a change, just "one couple" - Michaela & Darrel, thanks for coming!
Darrel said he was a little tired from work, but seemed fine to me. Working for a foreign-owned company, there are many foreigners working there, and he told us about them. Apparently though, the only English he can use on the job is "hey"!
He also shared the secret with us that he doesn't like going shopping with his wife, especially for clothes, as she just can't decide. almost at the cashier, she would c...
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SilberBahn/SilberCafe 挨拶

Tilo Z SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> はドイツ語、 SilverTrain<シルバートレイン>は英語、 日本語で<銀色の列車>を 意味するこの言葉には「乗ると 楽しい所に向かっていける」という 願いを込めました。 それはある日、私のところに 「ドイツ語を教えてほしい」と 女性が一人たずねてきたところ から始まりました。 2000年1月に語学学校として スタート、現在は翻訳通訳や海外 との商品取引の仲介等語学サービス 全般に関わる業務を行っております.。 SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> の詳しい情報は下の青いリンクをクリック して下さい。



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