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April 20th, Tuesday

April 20, 2010
Hey, it's me! I will try to post something entertaining for you today - as usual, of course!
Shelby, Brittney, Miranda and Ashley joined me today for this delicious, refreshing treat:


This is signaling the beginning of the warmer season!

Somehow, today we had trouble to get going: First, usually very cheerful & powerful Shelby seemed a little exhausted. She told us that she had a ballet lesson before coming here, and also walked her dogs, so - no wonder! Miranda spent the whole of last Sunday reading a book (in English, naturally!), not changing her pose while reading, causing her pain in the neck (maybe shoulders, too?), Ashley seemed okay. But the most powerful lady today was without doubt Brittney, she brought up the most topics. Some funny facts about her: See the sweet on the picture above? Brittney is like a 5-year-old: She ate the strawberries on the top, but left the yogurt mousse! She doesn't like dairy products, but can drink ヤクルト! Funny, isn't she?
Today, we grappled with "pet peeves" (I tried to get behind the meaning, but didn't quite succeed) - but take a look for yourself:

Can you relate to anyone of them? I surely can!!

(Will somebody PLEEEASE change the toilet paper?!)

Thanks for a nice day with you - see you soon!

The "Master"

April 17th, Saturday

April 17, 2010
What a CROWD! Well, at least compared to last Saturday. Three beautiful girls delighted my heart today (ehem!):
Jamie from Spain, Shelby from England, and Crystal from some Latin place - thanks a lot for showing up on this beautiful day. I guess the heavy rain must have washed away even the most stubborn Sakura!

After going over the most recent news - volcanic eruption in Island crippling the entire air traffic over Europe, Shelby and Crystal for some unexplainable reason agreeing on that Engli...

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April 15th, Thursday

April 15, 2010
.....first I thought...oh oh....nobody's is going to show up? A thing that fortunately hasn't happened for quite a while now, knock on wood!
But than, my favourite "Thursday Team" all showed up together: Gracie, Mya, Brittany, and Shelby. The group had lunch at my "competition" just round the corner (name cannot be given due to copyright reasons!). And guess what? Besides Shelby (who is a tea-drinker by nature), the other 3 "always-coffee-drinkers" all ordered tea! Yep, because they all had co...
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April 13th, Tuesday

April 13, 2010
A very relaxed, settled-down Tuesday Cafe has passed with Briana, Chelsea, and Jamie - aka the "usual crowd".
We didn't come up with a main topic today, so we ended up chatting about various "little" things. In other words, I don't really remember (neither did the ladies when I asked them to help me refresh my memory at the "玄関先").....Let's see, Briana proudly showed around a picture of her (adult) son, wearing a "Kendo-outfit", looking handsome & cool, and about an incident where Briana...
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All about India - Part III (OF COURSE by 32co)

April 12, 2010
So, this will be some more info about India - today's subject being about the delicate matter of paying tips:


II        I guess that many people live by only getting tips in India. And, it is certain that many foreigners give  large tips to them.

Af       After coming out of the airport, I looked for my pre-paid taxi. The man nearby asked me the number of my taxi. He took and carried my suitcase to my taxi for only a few meters and said “Tip”, though I did not ask him to do so. H...

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April 10th, Saturday (My sister's birthday)

April 10, 2010
Well people, this one is going to be REALLY short - what a quiet Saturday. I blame it on the weather & the Sakura! 
I bet you're all out getting drunk under the cherry trees! 
One lady, Jamie (from Spain) visited me today, a first-timer, so a warm welcome to her, young & energetic from Uozumi! 
As it was just us two today, we had a lot of time, so she was able to tell me all about her very interesting past! Please come and meet her next Saturday - you'll be pleased & surprised!

Our sweet (the one...

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April 8th, Thursday

April 8, 2010
We were a nice lot today - although one of our regular "Thursdayers" was absent, I could still count 5 happy noses!
Thanks for coming & spicing up the various discussions - Katie, Isabella, Crystal, Abigail, and Alexandria. So, our main topics today? Very naturally,  going to enjoy the Cherry Blossoms here & there. 4 out of 5 members told us about their visits to various nice and less nice destinations. Chrystal went all the way to Tokyo as she wanted to visit Yasukuni Shrine, Katie (I think i...
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April 6th, Tuesday

April 6, 2010
Hey ladies, this is soooo cool, we had six beauties here today - Olivia, Jacqueline, Hannah, Isabelle, Michaela and Breanna (and me, but of course, I'm NOT a beauty!) - but only three main topics -
Number One (and you HAVE TO check this out) - "Terada Pond" - Join me on a walk around the famous pond!
I really think this is hilarious! No need to visit the place anymore!

Second (and to no surprise) - 花見 - chatting about the very old, Japanese custom, which got a bit out of hand in recent years...
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32co's India Report part II: TAXIS

April 5, 2010

“The taxi drivers”

  The most common taxis in Mumbai are old yellow-black colored and quite lovable ones. However, I’ve been in many troubles with the drivers.

I have argued with the taxi driver in India. Last time I travelled with my daughter and that was after our short trip to Delhi. At the domestic airport, we couldn't take a pre-paid taxi, so we took a normal taxi and talked with the taxi driver about the taxi fare. At first, he said Rs.450 to us. I said it was too expensive and Rs...

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April 3rd, Saturday

April 3, 2010
One girl, one boy - and me! But the boy, Gary, was not our regular (German-loving) Saturday boy! He was a "second-timer", 

 came here about two month ago. But Alexandria (THE Miss Saturday!) had met him before.
Today, I shared my extremely limited knowledge about Easter, and we studied about the Easter Bunny:

If you need more information about Easter & the Bunny, please continue reading here - Happy Easter!
Apposite to it, we enjoyed a very special, rare Carrot Cake with cheese creme topping, wow...

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SilberBahn/SilberCafe 挨拶

Tilo Z SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> はドイツ語、 SilverTrain<シルバートレイン>は英語、 日本語で<銀色の列車>を 意味するこの言葉には「乗ると 楽しい所に向かっていける」という 願いを込めました。 それはある日、私のところに 「ドイツ語を教えてほしい」と 女性が一人たずねてきたところ から始まりました。 2000年1月に語学学校として スタート、現在は翻訳通訳や海外 との商品取引の仲介等語学サービス 全般に関わる業務を行っております.。 SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> の詳しい情報は下の青いリンクをクリック して下さい。



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