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March 11th, Thursday

March 11, 2010
Well, it seems the "Winterstorm" is over! I had to go to various places on my bike yesterday, and I tell you - it was so cold & so wet! 
So, today the weather seems a lot friendlier, and matching the season (after all, it is March, Spring) our main topic, frankly, was this:

This of course is BEFORE hard-working Japanese ladies living in the Kansai region get behind their gas, natural gas, liquid gas, whatever gas or "all-denka" cooking stoves, get busy for about an hour, and create something looking like this:

Yes, this is more like it - I'm getting hungry! Apparently, depending on what kind of heating source you're cooking on, the preparation time varies. From there, we talked about the different voltages in countries around the world, or, to be more specific, in Japan, Germany, and the U.S. Why is it necessary for Germany, for instance, to have 220 volts, if you can enjoy the same life style with "only" 110 volts being the norm in Japan? Anybody out there have a convincing answer on hand?
By the way, according to Heather (from Ireland), one Kilogram of Ikanago costs about 1800 Yen this year!! WOW!!
I guess more and more housewives have to scrap the custom in financially difficult times.

Our "fattener" today:

And our "compulsory study":

Are you the type to rather be IN pictures or OUT?

Thanks for coming Briana, Kiara, Crystal & Heather

The "Master"

March 9th, Tuesday

March 9, 2010
Our "usual" Tuesday crowd" showed up today, including our "Taiwan & India" girl! We were four altogether (excluding me):
Mikayla from America, Monica, Catherine and Christina all from Greece. You three - please do something about the Euro!
One girl from Greece, Monica, forgot to bring a very important book about a delicate subject (I CAN'T SAY IT!), but nevertheless, we did talk about just this subject for a while, and I let everyone knew the "man's position" on the matter!

When I pointed out th...

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March 6th, Saturday

March 6, 2010
Well, first of all - Happy Birthday to Barret (today). Happy Birthday to Kiara (yesterday), and Happy Birthday to Michaela (next week). Also thanks for coming Crystal, THE Tuesday girl!

Happy, Happy Birthday!

With all those birthday kids, it came only naturally that we ended up talking about our ages, the way we looked (younger, maybe older), the way we felt, and the conversation then drifted to talking about birthday celebrations in Japan & Germany,
and its' differences.

Today's "birthday cake" ...
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March 4th, Thursday

March 4, 2010
Welcome back, Shelby (32co) - we missed you, worried about you, looked for you, thought about you all the time, had sleepless nights, placed a "missing person" ad in a world famous blog etc......
Thanks for your very interesting "report" on India, from an angle impossible to experience traveling by ordinary package tour! Great story! 
I have visited India when I was about 15 (so, just a little kid, really), and it made me wanting to go again, this time with a more mature perspective.
Other inter...

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March 2nd, Tuesday

March 2, 2010
So, March has arrived - is it still cold, already warm, something in between? The weather seems to be playing games with us, isn't it?
The first day of March at the Cafe was enjoyed (I hope!) by Jacqueline, Kelsey, Mariah, and Monica......oh yes, and me!
We talked about various topics: Naturally still a little bit about the Olympics (medal count etc), about Mariah's visit to the doctor who gave her the good news not to worry as she was getting better, Monica's yet another huge discovery - anoth...

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February 27th, Saturday

February 27, 2010
Although February is only 3 days shorter than other months, this one really felt like it flew by! So fast! Already March from next Monday! And what have I achieved to "change my life" so far? Nothing, really! OMG!

Today was another quite serious Cafe with Crystal, Alicia, and Isabella! Crystal, it was nice to see you in good shape after a short while. What a pity that you're moving to Tarumi next month......we'll miss you!

And of course, Olympics on the agenda again - especially now, that it's ...
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February 25th, Thursday

February 25, 2010
Heeeeeeavy!! Yes, this was some SERIOUS Cafe today! Kelsey and me gave Isabelle a "スパルターlesson" on the subjects of the olympics being for a big part  just business and politics, from there we drifted to Mr .Toyoda of Toyota being "barbequed" in America, and we all agreed the whole thing is just another "show", typical American style, and Kelsey (who happens to have some experience in that country) also added that it is part of election propaganda, which happens to be this year. I pe...
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February 23rd, Tuesday

February 23, 2010
Well, today I do remember what Emily, Cassandra, Isabella and me talked about: FOOD! What a nice subject!
It started out with my explanation why I don't like Azuki, and how I was spoofed by an Azuki-Bar which I thought was (not very tasty) chocolate until the first "Bean" came through the ice to show it's true identity!
We also all agreed that "Natto" is rotten, and doesn't have a delicious appearance, although everybody but me liked it.
We asked the (maybe very famous?) question how human being...

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February 20th, Saturday

February 22, 2010
Of course, so much time has passed, so I have absolutely NO IDEA what we talked about on this day!
Three "girls" showed up - Elisabeth, Alexandria and Courtney! Thanks for coming, I'm sure we had a great
time, with lots of laughter!
Sorry I am posting so late, but on Saturday, I had to rush off to do this in Sannomiya:


Yes, Rock'n Roll!! 
Our cake was this one:

(What? You have seen this cake before somewhere? I wonder why!)...

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February 18th, Thursday

February 18, 2010
At first I thought: "Oh oh, I might be alone today", but then Angela dropped in, and my day was saved! Then, while talking about her Sanuki Udon "Hashigo" trip to Kagawa-ken, Jacqueline joined the party, a little past two o'clock. 
The serving style of the first Udon shop on Angela's list was really unique: Only noodles (NO soup), with a little soy sauce and some, I forgot now, green chili pepper or something! Angela said it was the best udon she had ever tasted! The other shops were more your...
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SilberBahn/SilberCafe 挨拶

Tilo Z SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> はドイツ語、 SilverTrain<シルバートレイン>は英語、 日本語で<銀色の列車>を 意味するこの言葉には「乗ると 楽しい所に向かっていける」という 願いを込めました。 それはある日、私のところに 「ドイツ語を教えてほしい」と 女性が一人たずねてきたところ から始まりました。 2000年1月に語学学校として スタート、現在は翻訳通訳や海外 との商品取引の仲介等語学サービス 全般に関わる業務を行っております.。 SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> の詳しい情報は下の青いリンクをクリック して下さい。



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