- This Cafe has closed -


January 21st, Thursday

January 21, 2010
Ok, folks, I'm going to try to keep this one short (AND interesting, of course!).
On this very warm but rainy day, Crystal, Catherine, and Miranda joined me going down
memory lane - that is, we talked about the "good old days", and I started it! No ,NOT because
I'm getting old (which, of course, I am), but due to my job, where I meet a lot of young people,
students of mine, ranging from elementary school to university, and experiencing on a daily
basis how different they are from us at the same age....We talked about the usage of CG in the
movies, records (black vinyl, YES!!), CDs, mobile phones with all their functions (we never use)
and so on. 
Later, we also discussed things like the famous rumour that mankind probably has never set foot
on the moon, and that E.T. from about 20 years ago was actually quite cute. E.T. - yes, the one which
tried to "phone home"! Welcome to the party! 懐かしいでしょう? 

Ok, it's getting a bit long - let's round it up:
Today's idiom AND sweet, Orange Muffin (or cake, rather?):

So, if money REALLY talked, in my wallet, it would be scarily quiet! 
And Catherine, who has some experience living in the U.S. (where this idiom
example dialogue is probably set), says this doesn't really happen at car dealers.
She says one can accomplish a lot more with just a smile! How nice!

Thanks for coming, and see you soon!

The "Master"

And PeeeEs: Crystal & Miranda - I cannot copy the DVD on my computer. It doesn't even recognize it!! Too bad, sorry!


January 19th, Tuesday

January 19, 2010
Today, we were surprised by a lady who used to come here over a year ago! Ok, actually, I wasn't, because she had called beforehand, so I knew she was going to pay us a visit in the near future. Her "stage name" (her first one, as last time she chatted here with us, the "stage name system" hadn't been implemented yet!), was Isabelle, from France! Bonjour!
She was joined by Jamie from Spain, Briana & Kiara from Ireland, and Brittney from England.

Today, I was trying hard to keep the topics relax...

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January 16th, Saturday

January 16, 2010
We had the perfect balance of "Man & Woman" today - Edward from England and Emma from Germany contributed to
today's "crowd" (well......).
We talked about a lot, all mixed up, so it's hard to remember and to get it organized....Japanese politics (again!), earthquake in Haiti, and subsequently Kobe earthquake, it's anniversary coming up soon. I can't believe that 15 years have passed already. Time REALLY flies!

Our sweet today was quite special because it contained "Nutella". Without this, German...

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January 14th, Thursday

January 14, 2010
Hello, there - today, we had the "usual" Thursday crowd, minus a few. Was is too cold to move?
For some reason, Hannah, Isabelle, Monica, Briana & me talked about really heavy stuff today:
Politics (and all its' unfairness & corruption) !!
When trying to change our topics to something "lighter", somehow we couldn't manage, and ended up
discussing the way times are changing, and modern technology is making us more and more lazy, and 
maybe fatter (because of the fact we s...

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January 12th, Tuesday

January 12, 2010
Abigail & Alicia came the first time today in 2010 - welcome "back"! Alexandria joined them, and today again, we talked mostly about how the past holidays were spent. Alicia visited Okinawa - it was her second time, she went alone, and she really enjoyed going about at her own pace, "feeling" Okinawa's history & it's rich nature.
Abigail spent precious time with her family, taking them for a trip to Okayama, and doing all the Japanese new year "things". Alexandria was more on the "listening en...
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January 9th, Saturday

January 9, 2010
Briana from Ireland (that's a region in Kasai!) visited the Cafe after quite a while, together with Catherine, Kiara, David, Cassandra, and Chelsea.As you can see, it was a busy Saturday afternoon.....David was really full after a heavy Udon lunch, but, after carefully "checking", I realized that nobody had touched their cakes until the very end of the Cafe, although it was really tasty looking like this:

As all of today's members came here for the first time in the new year, we mainly chatted...
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January 7th, Thursday

January 7, 2010
The second Cafe for the day brought in Madison, Mikayla, Angela, and Cassandra, and we again talked about everyone's 
New Year's Holidays - pretty much "normal", everybody! Visiting family (or being visited BY family, the more exhausting option!), going to "hatsumode", hot springs etc....
Besides that, we talked about the fact that it seems that movies being showed at theatres are getting more and more 3D, so all the people in the audience have to wear funny glasses! Just imagine!! Connecting t...

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January 5th, Tuesday

January 5, 2010
Happy New Year of the Tiger! 
Today, I expected either a very busy Cafe (because of all the ladies who had to wait sooo long to come here), OR, a very quiet Cafe (because everybody needed to take a break from the "hyper time" with children & grandchildren)......
The second version became reality - Jamie from Spain, and Chelsea from England joined today to chat about how they spent the holidays, and to learn a little about the "Tiger", according to the Chinese Zodiac:

By the way, THIS ...

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December 26th, Saturday

December 26, 2009
Welcome to the last Blog-Posting for the year 2009!  
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you loyal, eager, and cheerful group of "young girls & boys"  for your 
patronage throughout the year & of course beyond! Without you, it wouldn't be possible to create
this nice, cozy, and warm atmosphere. Thank you very much!

To round up the year, Brittney, Kelly and  Mike showed up, and you won't believe what our main subject for the day was! 
CARS! Yes, we mainly talked about the four-wh...

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December 24th, Thursday, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

December 25, 2009
Thanks for coming yesterday, and sorry that I had to rush off - Christmas vespers (in German) at the Kobe Union Church located in Rokko started a 16:00. No, I am not a dedicated christian, but for this special day I like to go to church to catch some christmas atmosphere, unfortunately very limited in Japan. And I took the Hanshin Kosoku all the way to Maya. Up to Yanagihara I was perfectly in time, but then, the highway showed its' "true face" - yes, a traffic jam with no end in sight!
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SilberBahn/SilberCafe 挨拶

Tilo Z SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> はドイツ語、 SilverTrain<シルバートレイン>は英語、 日本語で<銀色の列車>を 意味するこの言葉には「乗ると 楽しい所に向かっていける」という 願いを込めました。 それはある日、私のところに 「ドイツ語を教えてほしい」と 女性が一人たずねてきたところ から始まりました。 2000年1月に語学学校として スタート、現在は翻訳通訳や海外 との商品取引の仲介等語学サービス 全般に関わる業務を行っております.。 SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> の詳しい情報は下の青いリンクをクリック して下さい。



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