- This Cafe has closed -


December 22nd, Tuesday

December 22, 2009
The year is coming to an end, "Christmas is standing in front of the door" (direct translation from German, meaning "Christmas is just aorund the corner"), and the Cafe is accordingly quiet - today saw Lindsey, Mya, and Jade. We got excited talking about skiing, because Mya went here:

So, we talked about snow, more snow, and even more snow! I REALLY want to go!!
Besides that, we of course had our usual "study phrase":

Please watch out for this expression, because the Japanese 足ひっぱるhas a quite different meaning!

 And today's "Chou a la Creme", DECLICIOUS!!

Please also note the LAST & FIRST days for the Cafe.
To all the nice faces I won't see here any more this year - 



The "Master"

December 19th, Saturday

December 19, 2009
Ok, this is what the people have missed who couldn't make it here today:

Mariah joined me here today, and she was a lucky (?) girl having a private lesson! 
We enjoyed chatting about her sons & her grandchildren, and about youth in general these days......
I for my part  feel that too many of today's youngsters are lacking motivation, are unenthusiastic, and sluggish.
There's no spirit, really......

We studied this phrase, which Mariah seemed to have enjoyed very much:

I personally like it, too. Th...
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December 17th, Thursday

December 17, 2009
Another quiet Thursday afternoon passed by peacefully, together with Christina and Brooklyn. Christina, thanx for calling on Brooklyn to join the Cafe today.
We talked about the media hype on various subjects including (of course!) Tiger Woods, and MJ. When Broolyn asked me what I thought about the TW incident, I replied that I think he's just "a man", who happened to be famous. We also talked about the MJ trials some years ago (child molesting charges against him), which apparently wer...

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December 15th, Tuesday

December 15, 2009
The "we-are-busy-the-end-of-the-year-is-approaching" time seems to have kicked in. We had "just" three ladies today:
Lindsey, Mariah, and Madison. But WOW, Lindsey's story about her "old man" (father) was so amusing! In today's Cafe, the rest of us were on the listening end. By request I won't go into details, but what do YOU think of a father who: 
1) Goes out drinking & gets a little drunk (just comfortably)
2) On the way home asks 3 or 4 TOTAL STRANGERS to come home with him for "a drink"
3) W...

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December 12, Saturday

December 12, 2009
The "Saturday Crowd" is beginning to form, today we had Catherine, Isabella, Isabelle (NOT a mistake - different origin!),
and Felix!

Isabelle was telling us about a interesting book she read about "making toasts" (NOT the process of heating up bread in the morning!), but the one which requires (at least) two glasses, and two thirsty persons! Nowadays, we associate the "cheers" with happy moments, like birthdays or weddings etc, but originally it was used as a "secret sign", which eventually le...

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December 10th, Thursday

December 10, 2009
Hello, hello!
Katie visited the Cafe the first time in this month, and she was really pleased with the Christmas decoration entertaining the eye (and soul, maybe?) since December! She even tried to "improve" the atmosphere by switching on & off various lights to create a cozyier feel, but it proved not to be a easy task! 
We talked about people snorring so nosily that partners couldn't sleep, others again being kicked so strongly they would fall off the bed (NOW that's where you should have apo...

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December 8th, Tuesday

December 8, 2009
Hello, nice group! It was quite crowded today (well, a little): Olivia, Courtney, Mariah, Kelly, Briana, and Christina showed up to enjoy a relaxing time with some English, this phrase:

And a nice sweet dessert, "half" Japanese & "half" Western, Milk Youkan  Jelly:

And now I have to try to remember the topics which heated up our discussion today.....think think......
One subject, of course, was Christmas: Courtney told us how she treats her grandchildren for the event, others joined in with thei...
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December 5th, Saturday

December 7, 2009
Hello, community!
The people who were here last Saturday know that I wasn't, the people who couldn't be here, know now!
Well, I was absent - so I don't know what you chatted about, but I'm sure you all enjoyed!

I know who showed up, though: Briana, Alicia, Heather, Cassandra, and Gracie; and I believe that my substitute "Master" was called Felix! CORRECTION: "Felix" was a customer, NOT the substitute teacher! And one the "girls' names was the Japanese "Mama", although I don't know which (and she...

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December 3rd, Thursday

December 3, 2009
A very quiet Thursday - two ladies and two cups of tea, but - maaaany stories! Brittney told us about her heartwarming birthday celebration for her (with her?) husband, and how she taught two elderly German ladies Japanese calligraphy and later served them 抹茶 at her house! How "international"!
Cassandra today brought in her textbook from her English class with a little query - I hope I could be of help, and all "mysteries" are solved.

Our cake (which many of you have missed, of course!) was...
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December 1st, Tuesday

December 1, 2009
It was a good start for the beginning of the festive month: Isabella, Kelsey, Mariah, Angela and Lindsey spoiled me with their cheerful company! Thanks!

We had various topics: Isabella (or was it Lindsey?) tried to visit Miki Horseland Park the other day but couldn't, as her car had a flat tire (of course I advised her she still could have gone there as three tires should be enough!), Kelsey went to see a movie in 3-D which requires the viewer to use special glasses which she brought in today ...
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SilberBahn/SilberCafe 挨拶

Tilo Z SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> はドイツ語、 SilverTrain<シルバートレイン>は英語、 日本語で<銀色の列車>を 意味するこの言葉には「乗ると 楽しい所に向かっていける」という 願いを込めました。 それはある日、私のところに 「ドイツ語を教えてほしい」と 女性が一人たずねてきたところ から始まりました。 2000年1月に語学学校として スタート、現在は翻訳通訳や海外 との商品取引の仲介等語学サービス 全般に関わる業務を行っております.。 SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> の詳しい情報は下の青いリンクをクリック して下さい。



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