- This Cafe has closed -


November 28th, Saturday

November 28, 2009
Hello, "chat community"!
Today saw many happy faces, 5 to be precise, Saturday seems to be catching on: Kiara from Ireland, Michaela, Hebrew, Angela from Greece, Erica from Scandinavia, and Mika from Japan (?). 
We mostly talked about what people have been up to these days. Many people are enjoying the autumn season, taking day trips to places like Kyoto, others buy books in Osaka and visit the dentist, others again are busy "grandmothering" (正英語じゃないよ!) for 7-5-3....It's nice, everbody being so cheerful & optimistc!
Our cake was something really special, as it was NOT sweet:

Yes, I know, it looks sweet, but actually it's a onion cake!

And our phrase today was this useful one:

So, today was the last Cafe for November - 12 more Cafes, and welcome the Tiger!

Have a nice Sunday,

The "Master"

November 26th, Thursday

November 26, 2009
I am very glad about the fact that through the Cafe I am able to provide, next to the chance for practicing & using your English of course, a place for people to socialize & make new friends! 
Why am I saying this?  Well, today there were 4 members altogether - Alicia, Isabelle, Mikayla, and Monica. And they all arrived here as a group, as they had a nice lunch before coming here. Although nobody drew an Italian name, they had a yummy-sounding pasta lunch (with lot's of Garlic, yes!!). 
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November 24th, Tuesday

November 24, 2009
So, where was my "second" Tuesday-Girl" & her good friend? 
I hope both of you are fine......
So, today Shelby did a little bit of a "coming-out" - she really LOVES MJ! She brought in two phrases she had questions about (about English, of course!), and it turned out that both of them were statements related to MJ. Sorry, I neither remember the phrases nor any details!
Besides "him" (I still can't believe that his turning white was a disease, NOT done intentionally), we talked a little about albi...

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November 21st, Saturday

November 21, 2009
Is Saturday "filling up"? Well, at least it seems so, because today saw
five happy faces - Kiara, Shelby, Kelsey, David, and Michaela! Michaela hadn't been here since May
this year, so I must admit, at first, I didn't remember her! Sorry! But after a short while, little by little familiarity
came back! Thanks for coming, please come again!

Today we talked about the jobs we were all doing, and I asked around, if today's members enjoyed what they were doing
every working day. To my surprise, 5 out o...

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November 19th, Thursday

November 19, 2009
Are you already busy writing your New Year Cards? Or preparing "Osechi"? Year-end cleaning your houses?
It must be something, because today again was a fairly quiet day: I enjoyed the company of Shannon, Jamie, and Miranda,
and we chatted about movies, buses, green pepper etc.
Do you put green peppers into Yakisoba? Miranda and me, we do, but Shannon was a little surprised about this!

We studied the following:

I noticed somebody had stolen the "T", please put it back in its place.

In today's phrase...

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November 17th, Tuesday

November 17, 2009
Although  it was raining cats & dogs today, Ashley, Kiara, Jade, Briana and Isabella showed up, eager to study some new expressions - and this is what they got:

Did you know that both "vehicles" in the upper picture are called "scooter"?

Today, among other things, Ashley told us about some "mysteries" she and her daughter experienced on their
trip to Taiwan with their "EasyCard", roughly the equal to the Japanese "ICOCA".

Also, our sweet today was something really special, I think I haven't seen ...

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November 14th, Saturday

November 14, 2009
Everyday, the Cafe can welcome a new member, is a nice day! If such a day falls on a Saturday, it's REALLY nice!
So, hello Kelly! Kelly is a new member from Ireland (aka Uozumi), and she is one of those ladies who is in "charge of" keeping the average age down!! 
Thanks for coming - I hope you had a good time (I know you had - you told us so!!).

 As usual, with new members, we asked each other lot's of the "common" questions - where we live, why we are interested in English, and so on.

We enjoyed...

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November 12th, Thursday

November 12, 2009
Once upon a time, there was a little English Chat Cafe in a small city in western Japan. The city was called Akashi........
And so the story goes. This was about three years ago.....And today? 
Today felt like 3 years ago! It was, in a way, really なつかしい (but at the same time さみしい〜) - Lindsey had a private lesson! In the early years, our "Tuesday Girl " had quite a lot of these, but for Lindsey, it was the first time. 
So, naturally, we talked about so many things, we totally ...

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November 10th, Tuesday

November 10, 2009
It was a nice "Tuesday-like" Tuesday, I should say. Six Ladies showed up, two of them regular "Tuesday-Girls"!
Today, we enjoyed "Pori Pori Matcha" cookies:

Plus, we were so lucky to receive a Taiwan-Souvenir from Miranda, but I think I was the only one who ate it here today,
all the ladies chose to take it home with them (maybe everybody was full?). Thanks!

Today, we talked about "going to the doctor" - I started this strange topic when I told the group that I cleaned my ears too much, so much, ...

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November 7th, Saturday

November 7, 2009
It was a quiet Saturday with Emma (the Tuesday girl), and Brooklyn from America.
As the number of attending people was small, we had a chance to cover many subjects (I already forgot half of them!),
mostly talking about foreign travel.This is a subject which will never run dry! 
Our various members have visited so many different places - today we talked about how Korea was a little "boring" because the culture is quite similar to Japan (I had to say the same about my trip to Taiwan in Septemb...

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SilberBahn/SilberCafe 挨拶

Tilo Z SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> はドイツ語、 SilverTrain<シルバートレイン>は英語、 日本語で<銀色の列車>を 意味するこの言葉には「乗ると 楽しい所に向かっていける」という 願いを込めました。 それはある日、私のところに 「ドイツ語を教えてほしい」と 女性が一人たずねてきたところ から始まりました。 2000年1月に語学学校として スタート、現在は翻訳通訳や海外 との商品取引の仲介等語学サービス 全般に関わる業務を行っております.。 SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> の詳しい情報は下の青いリンクをクリック して下さい。



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