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November 5th, Thursday

November 5, 2009
On the first day of November my true love gave to me Madison, Chelsea, Brittney all from England, Jade from Spain, and Emily from some "Latin place"! 
(In reference to the Christmas song: On the first dat of Christmas my true love gave to me.......blah blah blah.....)

Amazingly, due the showing of MJ's movie, even today we talked about him! I think it's already the third week! WoW!
Don't forget - He is dead, he is history! Unbelievable influential power! 

Our second subject today was the surprising fact that Madison is also a STAR! Yes, she's a member of a chorus group singing mainly christian hyms - without being nervous! She is definitely a STAR!!

We also talked a litte about the sad fact that many languages, in today's case Japanese & German, are being more and more "englishnized" - and nobody seems to care, really. Why do we have to use English words (sometimes not even existing in English-speaking countries!), although our language vocabularies are rich enough to express what we want to say without using word like "frontglass" or "handy"?

And our phrase today -


Do you like bags like this? I hear they are on sale in Paris now!

And today's tasty choco cookies looked like this - funnily, almost everybody seemed to have been full today and wrapped them up in "doggie bags":

Notice the table cloth?

Thanks for showing up & see you soon!

The "Master"

October 31st, Saturday

October 31, 2009
Is it Tuesday today? Eh.....no.....is it Thursday today? I don't think so - No, it's Saturday, but it felt like one of the other days! 6 people (in words: Six) showed up today to enjoy our little Halloween Party! Just kidding, there was no party, but as today's Cafe fell exactly on THAT day, I did prepare a little to create some "Halloween Mood", so to speak:

Can you tell that the pumpkin cake has the Jack-O-Lantern face? Of course you can!!

Today, I tried to give Gracie, Courtney, Ian (a man!)...
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October 29th, Thursday

October 29, 2009
We had, I should say, a very comfortable number of "students" today: Alicia, Brittney, Abigail, Isabella & Emma.

Today's main, "hot" topic was MJ! Michael Jackson! Why again? Because the limited-time (two weeks only) showing of the documentary movie has just started, and Emma already went to see it! She was moved, so she says. So if you like (or love?) MJ, maybe you should go and see the picture. Abigail & Brittney (or was it Alicia?) are going to see it tomorrow.
The interesting thing about th...

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October 27th, Tuesday

October 27, 2009
And I tell you - it's a small world! Today, Olivia, Katie, Miranda, Alicia & Shannon came to our little Cafe.
Olivia is like the "regular" of "regulars" (some people even call her the "boss"), she saw Miranda, Miranda saw her and -
they knew each other! This IS a coinicidence, because Miranda came to the Cafe for the very first time today! 
Hello, welcome! I hope you will have a good time with our "herd"! 

And (amazing story, part II), I went to Miki Shirin Koen last Sunday for BBQ. Four families...

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October 24th, Saturday

October 24, 2009
The Cafe has just finished - and I'm already "blogging"!
You know why? Because the washing up went quickly, only three cups & three plates today:
Sabrina, Hannah, and.....and.......and.....YES, a new MAN came today, welcome, Gary!
Gary has actually been my German student for the last two years, but recently he realized that English is very
important, and (sadly) more useful than German. so he decided to give the Cafe a try! 

Today we mainly talked about "weird American news" - first, the "balloon ...

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October 22nd, Thursday

October 22, 2009
What a crowd today! Wow! Thanks for coming Brittney,Lindsey, Gracie, Katie (all from England!), Kelsey from Scandinavia,
Kelly from Ireland, and Hannah from Germany! Almost "Full-House" today.

Today we talked a little about the movie "ES", which I had lent to Kelly. I was really curious to get her opinion on the movie....
now Hannah has it! let's see what she has to say about it later.

But today's main topic was (or rather should have been) this one:

As many of you are "world-travellers", I though...

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October 20th, Tuesday

October 20, 2009
It's Tuesday today, right? It seems that I couldn't see the "BOSS"!!
Hey, where were you? 
Well, you've missed this top-class choco & coffee cake:

It was soooo delicious! 
 Right, Brooklyn, Olivia & Mariah? Oh, maybe Mariah took hers home.....so, how was it?

Please let me know next time.

Today, almost the entire time of the Cafe we talked about movies (Mariah, the "Pro" was here!). Good movies, bad movies, cheap movies, funny movies, dull movies, total time-waster movies, movies which make you thin...

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October 17th, Saturday

October 17, 2009
Another quiet Saturday with Abigail & Olivia!
Our main topic today was the "the spice of life", or at least of them - BEER!
Recently I had the chance to enjoy a bottle of Budweis Beer from the Czech Republic  (NO, not the water-taste American copy!), and a bottle of Austrian Kaiser Beer. And I must tell you: I had forgotten how good European beer tastes!
What can I do? 
By the way: Did you know that most Japanese beer contains corn starch and rice? 

Today we've learned:


So, I guess if you have too...

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October 15th, Thursday

October 15, 2009
Two big surprises today: "Monica" is back, after about six month! Of course you don't know who Monica is......I give you a little hint: One half of a set of two, always drinking hot coffee!
Surprise no. 2: Today's main topic: GOYA! Yes, that strangely bitter tasting vegetable we usually associate with Okinawa, NOT with  Akashi! Amazing, three ladies, Breanna (our "young girl"), Alicia (our "farmer"), and Monica were able to talk for about one hour mainly about goya, and a lot of other vergetab...
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October 13th, Tuesday

October 13, 2009
Hey - almost "full house" today: 
Sabrina, Amy, Samantha, Angela, Courtney, Alexandria and me were able to welcome yet another "new face", Elisabeth, to our little Cafe! Thank you all for coming! I hope you had a good time today, and that you will come back soon, Elisabeth!

As it usually happens when we welcome a new member, today, too, many questions were going towards Elisabeth. As it turns out, she spent some time working on a farm in New Zealand. From there, our conversation took us to Aust...

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SilberBahn/SilberCafe 挨拶

Tilo Z SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> はドイツ語、 SilverTrain<シルバートレイン>は英語、 日本語で<銀色の列車>を 意味するこの言葉には「乗ると 楽しい所に向かっていける」という 願いを込めました。 それはある日、私のところに 「ドイツ語を教えてほしい」と 女性が一人たずねてきたところ から始まりました。 2000年1月に語学学校として スタート、現在は翻訳通訳や海外 との商品取引の仲介等語学サービス 全般に関わる業務を行っております.。 SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> の詳しい情報は下の青いリンクをクリック して下さい。



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