- This Cafe has closed -


October 10th, Saturday

October 13, 2009
Hurry hurry! Got to get this done BEFORE the next Cafe kicks off!
Actually, it's Tuesday now, around 13:15!! 
Sorry I had to desert you last Saturday - but there was a very important school event in my son's school!
How important? Please judge yourself by the name: German Beer Festival!! 

Obviously, I cannot comment on anything that happend here on that day (although I was told everybody had a good time!),
but I was informed that the cafe was able to welcome a new "member", Eddie, a man! I hope you will stay with us!
I'm sure Abigail, Mya, Gracie & Ashley made sure Eddie had a good time. And of course, Barry!
So, here is the "Info" from last Saturday:

And the sweet:

Well, I see you all in about 30 minutes!

The "Master"

October 8th, Thursday

October 8, 2009
Excellent weather after "Melor" passed by! Yes, that's the official English name for "typhoon no.18" - and naturally, today's topic was all about typhoons, tropical storms, tornadoes and the like. But see for yourself: 

I think if you drag this image to your desktop & save it there, you should be able increase its' size.  It tells you
all about tropical storms you'll ever need to know!

Today's Cafe was very educational for Heather, Shelby, Olivia, Lindsey, and me! But not without this delicious
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October 6th, Tuesday

October 6, 2009
Our main conversation today started with Crystal telling us about an event of "Yon-sama", which straight away led to a misunderstanding on my part - No way, a ticket for "Yon-sama" cannot be ¥ 80.000 (and, of course, it wasn't, it was a mere ¥8000 !). Sorry for that! I guess when I took a shower this morning, I forgot to wash my ears! 
From there, this topic took us to Michael Jackson, Diana, a little bit Mick Jagger, and it ended somewhere totally different.
But that, I will tell you after i...
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October 3rd, Saturday

October 3, 2009
Another quiet, but nice Saturday on which we were able to welcome our new, young member, Madison! 
For the time being, Madison can only join the Cafe on Saturdays, so please try to come, so she can meet 
many of you! 
But of course 先輩 Mikayla managed to make the day at the Cafe a nice and enjoyable one for everyone! Thank you!

We talked about good & not so good beer, wine, about Madison and some other things. Our phrase today was this one:

Totally out of season, but this was the only decent pi...

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Ocotber 1st, Thursday

October 1, 2009
Happy Birthday, China! Yes, it's today - that huge country with its' extremely long & definitely highly interesting history is celebrating 60 years of being the PRC -
 Peoples' Republic of China.

Naturally, one of our topics today was this great country (and its' paradoxes!).
Chatting about it were Elizabeth, Briana, Tiffany, Mikayla, and Monica, and of course, me!
 Another highly interesting subject today was nudity, yes, that's right! See what you have missed!
 No, seriously, we talked about ...

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September 29th, Tuesday

September 29, 2009
September turned out to be a busy month for our little Cafe - 61 eager, information-hungry "boys & girls" visited in total!
This actually is a new record in the history of the Cafe.
To commemorate the last day of the busiest month so far, our "cake lady" brought something really special, a sweet of the kind the Cafe has never seen before, check it out:


I was told it is called "Shibukawa Marron". I must admit, on the picture, it does look a little weird!
BUT: Mya, Isabella, Briana, Madison, Hann...

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September 26th, Saturday

September 26, 2009
If you want to enjoy a very "private", "settled" Cafe, why don't you come on Saturdays?
Today, we saw Shannon from Ireland, and Laura from somewhere "Latin", who actually is a "Tuesday girl"!
Thanks for coming!
Our cake was a very delicious "Golden Apple Cake" (great name, isn't it?), posing for the camera just like this:

Unfortunately, both Shannon and Laura decided to wrap it up & take it home (not hungry?).

Our phrase was the same we used on September 3rd, although with a different example situ...

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September 24th, Thursday

September 24, 2009
Know what? It was so hot today, we had to switch on the airconditioner! Late summer, maybe?
On this sunny & warm day, Monica, Kelly, Lindsey, Catherine, Emily, Crystal and Miya listened to my "おみやげばなし"of Taiwan, and (maybe?) enjoyed a little "piece of Taiwan", black sesame chocolate. Don't worry, there's still some left!
Our "main dessert" was this very yummy peach cake:

And our phrase today? Well, this one:

Cool picture, isn't it?
We also talked about some movies, had a couple of l...

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The "Master" is back! Sept. 17th (Tues.) & 19th (Sat.)

September 21, 2009
Hello, loyal group of fluent English-speaking ladies!
Yes, that's right, I took the privilege of visiting Taiwan for 3 days, not with my family, 
but with my cram-school colleagues! Taiwan was still very hot & humid - about 37 degrees!
We had a good time, but I can tell you more when you visit the Cafe next time. One thing, though:
Somebody must go to Taiwan and teach them how to brew good beer! "Taiwan Beer" is not very good, a little
like "third-generation beer" in Japan.
So, as I was not here, I...

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September 15th, Tuesday

September 15, 2009
Today's main topics were "First Ladies", and what they do and what they shouldn't do! 
We learned today that Mr. Hatoyama's wife is actually an alien, her favourite food is the moon, and that she, of course,
can talk to other aliens (of course, in Japanese!!). Well, I hope these matters are not raised at the next G8 summit!

Other interesting discussions today were the differences of how we (We = Westerners & Japanese) look at the treatment of animals. This topic was triggered off by the lady sit...

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SilberBahn/SilberCafe 挨拶

Tilo Z SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> はドイツ語、 SilverTrain<シルバートレイン>は英語、 日本語で<銀色の列車>を 意味するこの言葉には「乗ると 楽しい所に向かっていける」という 願いを込めました。 それはある日、私のところに 「ドイツ語を教えてほしい」と 女性が一人たずねてきたところ から始まりました。 2000年1月に語学学校として スタート、現在は翻訳通訳や海外 との商品取引の仲介等語学サービス 全般に関わる業務を行っております.。 SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> の詳しい情報は下の青いリンクをクリック して下さい。



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