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September 12th, Saturday

September 12, 2009
Finally it's raining! Yes, my garden was really waiting for this day (sorry, Lindsey!). She doesn't like the rain, but all the others - Emily, Ashley, Shannon & me appreciated the downpour for various reasons. 

Today's main subject we talked about were the numerous differences between American and British English, and Shannon (at least I think that's the right name) gave us all a very interesting example of two passages explaining exactly the same topic using totally different phrasing, expressions, and vocabulary. Lindsey told us about a radio programme ("program" in American!) in which they talked about "Japanese English" used to explain car parts.
Finally, I mentioned that after so long in Japan, I'm often not sure if the English I'm using is ACTUALLY English, or 和製英語, really confusing!!

Today's "real" English phrase we studied was the following one:

And our sweet of the day was a "first-timer" (as far as I can remember!), Pumpkin Mousse:

It was as tasty as it looks!!

Have a nice Sunday (tomorrow should be a fine day!)

The "Master"

September 10th, Thursday

September 10, 2009
I guess we had the most "international" day the Cafe has ever seen (well, maybe...).
Why? What happend?
Well, today we could welcome Katie, a Japanese lady (although "Katie" is a English name), who spent a big deal of her 
life in the U.S, somewhere in Virginia (correct me if I'm wrong), and naturally spoke very "native" American English! 

Obviously, Abigail, Jade, Ashley, Crystal and Alexandria probably did feel a little pressure (and Japanese "hesitation"?), but I think a special visitor like K...

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September 8th, Tuesday

September 8, 2009
And then, there were only two left (of these):

This dessert goes by the name of "Cafe au lait Jelly", Cafe of course meaning coffee, au meaning with, and lait being milk in the French language, bien?

And how many lucky people could enjoy this? Let's see......Eddie, a gentleman from England...no, wait....actually a lady from England keen on studying male names (I wonder why!), Lindsey also from the "island", Christina from Greece, Crystal from Italy (one can tell from the Latin name), Elisabeth...
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September 5th, Saturday

September 5, 2009
Nice & hot Saturday we had today!
Everybody, please welcome our "new face" from Scandinavia, Kelsey! Clap clap clap.............
The members who left a nice first impression on her were Elizabeth and Michaela from the "Middle East", and Jacqueline from France, and of course, me!! Clap clap clap again.......

We all challenged the "Marshmallow Cake" in the picture below - all the marshmallows were melted (dissolved?) though, but it was sweet & tasty:


And, anybody remember what we talked about toda...
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September 3rd, Thursday

September 3, 2009
Today, six nice "young girls", Amy, Kelsey, Miranda, Hannah, Courtney & Chelsea, enjoyed a kind of a "和風"cake which answers to the name "Ama-Natto cake", baked by a person who knows very well that I can't stand 小豆, looking like this (NOT the person, the CAKE!):

I'm glad everybody seemed to have enjoyed it - I didn't even touch mine!

And before going to our "routine study phrase", this one,

we talked a little bit about "Satisfaction" (a documentary was broadcasted last night, I missed it,...
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September 1st, Tuesday

September 1, 2009
What a great start for the new month - the place was crowded with English-loving (?) ladies!
Eight eager "customers" filled the place today with smiles & laughter - Katie brought her friend Brittney, also from England.
A warm welcome to her - but unfortunately Brittney lives in Himeji (doesn't sound very English, I know!), so I'm not sure if we will see her again.......sniff....sniff.....
Other ladies were Emma (from Germany, just like me!), Kiara from Ireland, Cassandra from Greece, Abigail & M...

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August 29th, Saturday - Japan is too small -

August 29, 2009
I mean, can you believe it? Hannah & Courtney knew each other from before - in a small place like our little Cafe two 
people meet, two out of 一億二千万Japanese! WOW! I guess having common interests pulls people together!
Naturally, today's topics centered around these two girls, who both shared their occupation before. It was really interesting.

And, due to reasons beyond my control, today's sweet came from a shop (but was really tasty nevertheless):

 We also had a complex discussion about...

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August 27th, Thursday

August 27, 2009
We had almost "Full House" today, 6 eager "members" were able to welcome our new (and very fluent, by the way!) lady, Brittney. HELLO, BRITTNEY! 
She`s from England, from Takasago! 

Our delicious cake looked like this - 

Today, Sabrina told us about her "new farming land" - a piece of land she`s renting to enjoy some hobby farming!
So, when you are short of vegetables, just give her a call!

My son`s school teachers name is Sabrina, as well! What a coincidence!

And our phrase today, well,.......I m...

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August 25th, Tuesday

August 25, 2009
So it seems like the short summer is nearing its' end - since about two nights ago, I am using a light blanket when sleeping.
Have you enjoyed the limited, hot days?
I missed going to Chikusa River, there's a really cool place ("cool" having two meanings in this particular case!) behind
ちくさ道の駅 where one can swim & play in the refreshing river....but this year there just weren't enough "killing hot" days.
And on top of that, of course, that area had some serious problems during the hea...

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August 22nd, Saturday

August 22, 2009
So, now David (who is actually a WOMAN!!) knows all about my naughty high-school days!!
On this very quiet Saturday David & me talked about our days as students, our favourite music and musicians,
school re-unions, ex-girlfriends (pssst!), and about the various differences the English language shows in pronounciation &
dialects from country to country. This meaning English speaking countries, of course.

And today, we enjoyed THIS piece of cake:

Unfortunately, as this one couldn't be eaten, we trie...

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SilberBahn/SilberCafe 挨拶

Tilo Z SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> はドイツ語、 SilverTrain<シルバートレイン>は英語、 日本語で<銀色の列車>を 意味するこの言葉には「乗ると 楽しい所に向かっていける」という 願いを込めました。 それはある日、私のところに 「ドイツ語を教えてほしい」と 女性が一人たずねてきたところ から始まりました。 2000年1月に語学学校として スタート、現在は翻訳通訳や海外 との商品取引の仲介等語学サービス 全般に関わる業務を行っております.。 SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> の詳しい情報は下の青いリンクをクリック して下さい。



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