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June 2nd, Thursday

June 2, 2011
Let's all welcome Abigail from Higashi-Kakogawa who was in the area to visit her parent's house when she tripped over my Cafe - Signboard and decided to take a closer look. Abigail, you have obviously made the right choice climbing up my stairs, as inside beautiful Mikayla, lovely Ashley, charming Heather and irresistible Alicia were awaiting you with open arms! Once again: HELLO, NICE TO MEET YOU, WELCOME!!

We covered various topics today, I won't be able to mention them all, but there are two which have to be pointed to right here & now! 

When we broke our heads trying to figure out these riddles

Mikayla  got quite close to the answers several times (well, not really.......) and was told by me again and again: "Yes, good thinking, close, but UNFORTUNATELY wrong"!. Maybe she had to hear this word about 10 times today - and it did not come out of my mouth only!! 
The other amusing story was about how Alicia visited her cousin's house after some family gathering, and after going home noticed that she was wearing the wrong shoes!! Coincidentally, they were the same size and similar colour! My advice & suggestion: Get more unique shoes. Maybe a pair of this category:


There will be no more mistakes!! 
Later, her cousin sent the right pair to her. This is, by the way, NOT the first time for Alicia to do this: Last year, her cousin sent Alicia's hat!  
Alicia: Thank you very much for such a nice, amusing, funny, yet sooo peaceful story! Everybody can get a good laugh, though nobody is harmed or inconvenienced in any way! 

Good night!

Thanks & hope to see Abigail again soon!

The "Master"

May 31st, Tuesday

May 31, 2011
 The last day of the probably more bearable month - June will be here with heat & humidity, sticky clothes and tasty beer!!
Jamie, Mikayla, Elisabeth and Olivia joined the party. 
Today I started the "class" by asking Jamie what she is doing at the post office every week before coming here - unfortunately we couldn't get a persuasive answer......she said business, we were betting on something fishy like money laundering or something! She also said she was mailing letters.
Olivia told us about ho...
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May 28th, Saturday

May 28, 2011
Well, well well....I must say, I am amazed,surprised and of course glad that two weeks in a row, Saturday could boast with the biggest number of eager "chatterers"! 
Alexandria, Mikayla, Catherine, Darrel, Alicia and Chelsea decided to beat the rain and come here - Thanks a lot! 
Mikayla told us about her first-ever experience buying something from the internet auction. She purchased a vase, made by a famous potter friend of hers (ring a bell? Last Saturday?). The piece of art which sells for a...
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May 26th, Thursday

May 26, 2011
Let's start totally different for a change:

We did a lot of discussing based on this paper: In Japanese for instance, bees, wasps, hornets, bumblebees etc. are all some kind of "ハチ".
I also learned that not all houses in this country have back doors. I was under the impression that it's part of the package, so to speak. Like beer &  枝豆!! But it turned out that I was wrong! We than got heated up discussing about the big sliding entrances/exits from the living room to the yard: Are they w...
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May 24th, Tuesday

May 24, 2011
It was a pretty "normal" Tuesday - except the fact that our regular girls were joined by Bill who attended our group Saturday two weeks ago. Bill, good idea of yours to check out our Tuesday girls, too! 
And this Bill told us about his 27th wedding anniversary he celebrated with his wife on May 20, eating cake. Strangely, there were no kisses & hugs! But Bill thanked his wife for the nice time together.
By coincidence, Alicia's wedding anniversary happens to fall on the same day, although a dif...
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May 21st, Saturday

May 21, 2011
Full house! Well, almost! Kelly, Elisabeth, Madison, Sabrina, Christina and Emily decided to share their precious Saturday afternoon here at my humble Cafe, and - KELLY is a new face!!
Hello, Kelly! Welcome, Kelly! Nice to meet you! And she is another one really bringing down the average age once again! 
We really didn't have any special personal subjects today, as we were, as usual, bombarding the new girl with various questions! 
Except that Emily told us she was tired after her son's mid-term...
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May 19th, Thursday

May 19, 2011
It was a nice, sunny day with Alexandria, Kelly and Mya joining in the conversation about uniforms, school uniforms and my story about this woman actually getting arrested for "disturbing the public peace" or something like that using a cell phone on a train. If interested, more info can be found HERE

Before all this, of course, the girls brought in some stories of their own:
Kelly told us about how the buddhist priest at their family temple failed to read some names of ancestors at an annual r...
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May 17th, Tuesday

May 17, 2011
Lindsey wore an interesting necklace today, we all liked it, but it was only ¥300! What a good shopper she is! She and her husband tried to create a nice flower bed in their garden, but unfortunately failed to be good gardeners the first time - her husband watered the flowers everyday - a practise which might be necessary for potted flowers, but it doesn't apply if they are planted directly in the garden soil. So, they got too moist! Lindsey and her husband bought new seedlings, and are hopi...
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May 14th, Saturday

May 14, 2011
Something is wrong with the average age on Saturdays recently - it's a little higher than it should be ~ Na.........where are you? 
Today's main topic: Farming! Below is a picture of Amy's husband planting rice, so Amy could be here today:

Emily also has some "hobby farming", or "side business farming" experience when she was younger, Kiara said she wasn't feeling too well, but I think she was fine!
Besides farming, we also discussed the serious matter of people committing suicide, as Amy brough...
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May 12th, Thursday

May 12, 2011
This first Thursday after the Golden Week break turned out to be a quiet one: Christina & Angela, both from Greece, paid the Cafe a visit. Both were in high spirits!
Angela brought in a heart-warming story about her experience when visiting her husband's grave. Somebody had come before her - the grave was already decorated with beautiful, fresh flowers! What a pleasant surprise! It turned out that his former students had remembered the anniversary day of his death. How kind of them!
Christina e...
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SilberBahn/SilberCafe 挨拶

Tilo Z SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> はドイツ語、 SilverTrain<シルバートレイン>は英語、 日本語で<銀色の列車>を 意味するこの言葉には「乗ると 楽しい所に向かっていける」という 願いを込めました。 それはある日、私のところに 「ドイツ語を教えてほしい」と 女性が一人たずねてきたところ から始まりました。 2000年1月に語学学校として スタート、現在は翻訳通訳や海外 との商品取引の仲介等語学サービス 全般に関わる業務を行っております.。 SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> の詳しい情報は下の青いリンクをクリック して下さい。



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