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August 20th, Thursday

August 20, 2009
And yet another "new face" - please welcome Cahterine from Greece (Takasago, actually!). Our "old, 先輩" members, Olivia (from some Latin place), Madison & Katie from England, and Kiara from neigbouring Ireland treated her warmly and
welcoming! Thank you all!
As usual, whenever we welcome a new member, questions arise why the person is interested in English, or studying the language, and today again the very logical reason Cahterine gave us was to make her foreign travel more enjoyable and relaxing! Yes, it is very helpful indeed to know how to speak and understand this "international means of communication".
Our tasty chocolate cake today came in various sizes, it was mentioned, but no fights were started because of this (we are all adults, right?)

And we studied following phrase:

Thanks for coming & enjoy the hot days!

The "Master"

August 19th - NOT a Cafe Day

August 19, 2009
Hello, eager "Commenters",
the comment function is back in business, however (and unfortunately) the old comments seem to be lost!
Sorry for that! I also don't know why the function suddenly decided to vanish.....I guess it's one of the main problems
with the "free stuff". Hope this time it'll stay with us a little longer!

Ok now, hit the keys!!

The "Master"

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August 18th, Tuesday

August 18, 2009
....and it's only ONE  DAY before my wife's birhtday, and I have NO IDEA what to get her!!

 Anyway, "Bon" is over, life is slowly going back to normal, and the summer has finally decided to stay!
My family and I enjoyed a short, but nice one-night-two-days stay on an island "overseas", known around here as Awaji!
That place is so close to Kobe, yet it feels like a tropical island far, far away....how come? The sea seems to be a lot cleaner than Okura-Kaigan or of course, Suma Beach! And they hav...

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August 11th, Tuesday (last day before "Obon")

August 11, 2009
We had close to full house today: Emily, Shannon, Cassandra, Courtney, Breanna, Kiara & me chatted about various things happening in the world these days, especially the tough times Japan is facing recently - Typhoon-rains and earthquakes coming at the time! Every now and then Mother Earth is complaining about the way the human race is treating her - this year she didn't even grant us a real summer......

 Nevertheless, THIS was really tasty, not sure if sweet or bitter, but a real "adult taste...
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August 8th, Saturday

August 8, 2009
Listen - today we had a guest all the way from Wakayama! Her name is Kelsey (originally of course from Scandinavia).
Her friend, Miya from Italy, brought her to our little Cafe.
Ok, sorry I have to go now - going to watch the Inami-Cho Fireworks!

See you!

The "Master"


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August 6th, Thursday

August 6, 2009
The quiet summer-time for the Cafe is continuing......today saw 3 people, actually one new boy - David!
But Elizabeth & Emily were very kind to him, so I think he could enjoy a nice, interesting time with us! Welcome David, hope you will be back soon!
Today we talked about Clinton "just flying over to North Korea" and picking up the two captured journalist girls! And that we  are a little disappointed that Japan doesn't do something like that to free the abducted Japanese still in the North! 

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August 4th, Tuesday (And the summer is finally here!)

August 4, 2009
Ladies & Gentlemen!
It seems like the summer has finally arrived - is it going to be very short? If you "obey" the Japanese calendar, summer is
officially over after "Obon", right? So about another two weeks? Well, I hope not!

So today, we - that is Kiara, Brooklyn, Alicia & me - had some very heavy topics, ranging from stardom one can get thanks to ones' parents' names, to how extremely dirty politicians are! Terrible!! Better don't think about it!

And, by coincidence of course, this topic kind ...

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August 1st, Saturday (and still no REAL summer!)

August 1, 2009
Hi, community!
We had a very quiet, but special day today: It was the first time that the number of BOYS & GIRLS was equal!
Thanks for coming, Edward & Miranda! Edward forgot to bring his mother!

Miranda had a funny story for us, about Air New Zealand's safety video - please check it out yourself:



 Really funny, and of course "safe for children"!

Our sweet was this (Yummy Tea Mousse):

And today's phrase was about one of modern times' serious problems the...
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July 30, Thursday

July 30, 2009
The last day of July, and finally (?) the weather was a little bit more "Summer-like" - I wouldn't say it was
really hot, though! Something is REALLY wrongh this year (but actually nice & comfortable).

I enjoyed the company of Gracie, Jade, Madison & Samantha today, an we talked about how not to forget the joy life
but at the same time taking care of ones' health. The "joy of life" in this case stands for NICE, ICE-COLD BEER in the summer!!

Our study phrase was a steep one:

Pictures matching today...

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July 28th, Tuesday

July 28, 2009
What a nice Tuesday- and thanks to the new seating arrangement, 7 people (that is 6 + me),
were able to see each others' noses all the time!

What a "international" group we were today: Olivia and Miranda from the Latin world, Isabelle from France, Emma from Germany, Madison from England, and Briana all the way from Ireland!

Is it because of so much bad weather, or because  the summer has not arrived yet - I don't know,  but today our main topic was "natural disasters", tornadoes, landslides etc....

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SilberBahn/SilberCafe 挨拶

Tilo Z SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> はドイツ語、 SilverTrain<シルバートレイン>は英語、 日本語で<銀色の列車>を 意味するこの言葉には「乗ると 楽しい所に向かっていける」という 願いを込めました。 それはある日、私のところに 「ドイツ語を教えてほしい」と 女性が一人たずねてきたところ から始まりました。 2000年1月に語学学校として スタート、現在は翻訳通訳や海外 との商品取引の仲介等語学サービス 全般に関わる業務を行っております.。 SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> の詳しい情報は下の青いリンクをクリック して下さい。



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