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July 25, 2009
Hey, does anybody know where the summer is? This year seems very "un-Japanese"!
But nevertheless, we had a very good Saturday today - loyal Katie showed up, Mikayla brought her friend, Monica,
and my signboard outside brought Chelsea. 
Monica & Chelsea - welcome to the Cafe! Monica has "seen the world", but also Chelsea, "lover" of not-so-common pets,
has been abroad. I hope many of you will meet each other in the future!

As you can guess, today we mainly talked about pets, and about how to become a English teacher for children. I, by the way, used to have a cat called "Gonbe"!

We enjoyed a round piece of "Orange Marmalade Cake",

and studied the following phrase (very sorry for the "new people", it was a little long indeed):

Well, I'm glad you seemed to have had a good time!

Finally, please watch out for this cat (DANGEROUS!)

Thanx again & have  great weekend!

The "Master"


July 23rd, Thursday

July 23, 2009
For some reason the Cafe has been very quiet this month.......is it too hot?  I hope that is not the reason, because if is, I don't even want to think about August!

Today, we had a good time with our loyal "customers", Heather from England, and Monica from Greece.
Our main topic (actually maybe our only topic!) was a restaurant called "Kande Kande" (http://r.tabelog.com/hyogo/A2802/A280205/28008873/) in, guess where, in Kande, Nishi-Ku! Both Monica and Heather have visited the place, and are re...
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July 21th, Tuesday

July 21, 2009
Erica- thank you very much for coming all the way from Scandinavia! 
(Hey? What happend to my Tuesday-Team?)

Erica told me a lot of touching experiences she had when the huge Hanshin Earthquake struck.
One terrible natural disaster I was spared from, because at that time, I was working in London.

Erica "survived" her first private lesson at the Cafe - maybe thanks to this?

Refreshing "Pudding Jelly" - although today was not such a hot day!
By the way - were you all okay with the heavy rain, especia...

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July 18th, Saturday

July 18, 2009
Hello, "weekenders"
We had the busiest Saturday to date - Brittany, Abigail & Jamie found their way here, and:
We were able to welcome our probably youngest member, Alexandria! 
I hope that you had a good time with us, and of course hope to see you again soon.

Today's sweet was not a sweet, really, and it looked like this:


The person responsible for this (aka. "The Baker") called it "mochi mochi pan", which roughly
translates to "softy softy bread". In other words: We had bread today! Maybe for th...

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July 16th, Thursday

July 16, 2009
On this slightly "cooler" Thursday, I was able to welcome Crystal, Isabelle (The Queen!), Briana, Katie, and Samantha (actually a Tuesday Face) - Thank you!
Today we talked about the design of my shirt: My wife said it was Ok to wear it to work, my son mentioned that it was Ok to go to Hawaii or the beach, but NOT to work. Well, today I took my wife's advice - what do you think?

 And we all had a tasty Yogurt & Milk dessert, cool and refreshing

after which we had to meddle with these funny...

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July 14th, Tuesday

July 14, 2009
A Tuesday like "in the good old days" - Angela, Kiara, Sabrina & me enjoyed talking about various things, we indulged in a really yummy Tea Mousse dessert, looking like this

Perfect on a hot & humid day like today, and we studied the following phrase (for you to use on your husbands!)

Can you see ME in the picture with all my girlfriends? Just kidding, unfortunately, I'm NOT a ladies' man!

Hope to see more of you in the next "coffee sessions",

The "Master"

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July 11th, Saturday

July 11, 2009
Yes, it's "only" 14:06, and I am already in front of my computer screen......how come?
Because there's nothing to report today.....Blue!

This was my very first bike, when I was 16 years old - really good & fast Honda quality!

Hope to see you on Tuesday

The "Master"

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July 9th, Thursday

July 9, 2009
Ok, today we did some catching up on the subject of Sumo, and came to the conclusion that Sumo wrestlers these days are a lot more healthy, and less "fat". Michaela told us about her experience of watching real-live Sumo in Osaka, and how beautiful she thought some wrestlers are seen from a short distance. 
Edward (YES, A MAN!!) told us about a "Maerchen" by Hermann Hesse in which a high mountain at the end disappears!
Today, my "Summer Special Drink", Hawaiian Mango Orange Iced Tea, proofe...

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July 7th, Tuesday, "Tanabata"

July 7, 2009
Did you know that:
1) "Tanabata" originated in China, and
2) That today is my 12th Wedding Anniversary?

On this very special day, Crystal (who is married to a soccer star for the MONEY!), Brittany (who soon is to marry a married man!), and Isabelle (who is really "まじめ”)  together with me enjoyed a cool yogurt dessert:


And talked about so many things I actually forgot what....oh yes, I remember now, we don't agree that Mr. Mino Monta
should get paid so much, and that TV stations also feel ...

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July 4th, Saturday

July 4, 2009
Thank you for coming today - Brooklyn & Jamie! 
Is the Cafe becoming quiet? Or are you all busy? Well, I hope not!
Today, among other subjects, we yet again talked about M.J, Freddie Mecury, and other Stars who
basically killed themselves.....

Our study phrase was the following:

And what did we eat (although NOT out of each other's hands)?:

No, this is a group picture - there were two pieces for everyone!

Hope to see many more of you soon!

The "Master"

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SilberBahn/SilberCafe 挨拶

Tilo Z SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> はドイツ語、 SilverTrain<シルバートレイン>は英語、 日本語で<銀色の列車>を 意味するこの言葉には「乗ると 楽しい所に向かっていける」という 願いを込めました。 それはある日、私のところに 「ドイツ語を教えてほしい」と 女性が一人たずねてきたところ から始まりました。 2000年1月に語学学校として スタート、現在は翻訳通訳や海外 との商品取引の仲介等語学サービス 全般に関わる業務を行っております.。 SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> の詳しい情報は下の青いリンクをクリック して下さい。



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