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July 2nd, Thursday

July 2, 2009
I have nothing to report..................nobody showed up today.................
Cry cry cry................

The lonely "Master"

June 30th, Tuesday, last day of June

June 30, 2009
....yes, June it is: Sticky, rainy, wet, humid!! We are really in the middle of the Japanese rainy season!
Did you know that, as Japan IS part of Asia, this rain is also called the "monsoon" - want to know more?

It's a bit long, but here you go ("stolen" from Wikipedia):

monsoon is a seasonal prevailing wind that lasts for several months. The term was first used in English in IndiaBangladeshPakistan, and neighboring countries to refer to the big seasonal winds blowing from the Indian Ocean...

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June 27th, Saturday

June 27, 2009
If you want to experience a quiet, settled-down Cafe with heavy subjects to talk about, you should drop in on Saturdays!
Erica, David & me today discussed the unfairness of world politics - WOW! 
Of course, not entirely, we also studied the following:

And we enjoyed some "chinese desert", perfect on a hot day like this (although I know the really hot, Japanese summer days are still to come!):

Have a great weekend!

The "Master"

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June 25th, Thursday

June 25, 2009
On this quite quiet Thursday Angela, Ashley, Lindsey & me talked about Hiroshima, "English circles", how some of our "members" ages is about the age of my parents, and we studied following phrase:

I think this is a funny way of saying that someone is getting angry (like that cat, maybe?), and I must admit, I had heard it for the first time myself.
By the way, many, many years ago at the airport in Karachi (Pakistan) I was waiting for a connecting flight, and similar to the above example, ...

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June 23rd, Tuesday

June 23, 2009
So, today we had a "special guest", a reporter from yet another free paper, Sun Sun Asahi!
Who was it again? Alexandria? - No....Alicia? - No......Angela? - No......Oh yes, I remenber now:
It was Olivia from some Latin country. That means, all the other 3 Ladies whose names start with an "A"
will be famous very soon, lot's of pictures were taken!!

And what did we talk about today.....too many topics to remember! This is what we studied:

 Yes, we talked about body parts!!
And as it was a really hot ...

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June 20th, Saturday, my son's 6th Birthday!

June 22, 2009
Dear "Cafe community!"
Sorry for posting so late (it's already Monday evening, shame on me), but I had a busy, long weekend.
Heather, Alexandria & Angela, thank you for coming. You're the only people who know that I wasn't here on the 20th.
Now, of course, everyone knows! 
Well, I'm sure you all enjoyed these:

Breakfast Cookies containing "Müesli" & Cornflakes, among other ingredients.

And, of course I'm sure you all studied the following phrase very hard:


See many of you ...

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June 18th, Thursday

June 18, 2009
We had a very "quiet" day today - three ladies showed up (like in "the good old days"!),
their names were Shannon from Ireland, Elizabeth (of course the Queen of England!), and another Irish girl, Breanna.
We had a good time, enjoying blueberry cake

and talking a lot about the dfifferent customs and ways names are used in different cultures.
Our other topic of the day was this one:

Thanks for coming, and see you all soon!

The "Master"

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June 16th, Tuesday

June 16, 2009
Hey - check it out:
Our first Japanese Sweet in over the 2 and a half years since the cafe is up & running:

These little "balls" made of rice (of course!) are known as "Mitarashi Dango"  - and they were very much enjoyed by
Alexandria, Emily, Madison, Jade, Tiffany & Samantha. Not by me, as I'm not to keen on Sweets made of rice! 

Today, we had an interesting topic on how much value a person would put on a genuine autograph of a celebrity he or she liked. Not surprisingly, autographs don't seem t...

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June 13th, Saturday

June 13, 2009
So, the second Saturday opening went quite well - three ladies were able to enjoy the excellent Banana & Choco Chip Cake, which looked like this:

And yet again were we able to welcome a new member: Everybody please say "hello" to Lindsey!

 Today, among other subjects, we discussed how to define the word "sport". What activity exactly can be called a sport?
Well, my classic Oxford dictionary defines it the follwing way: A competitive activity; a game or pastime involving physical exertion.

How com...
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June 11th, Thursday

June 11, 2009
As it seems, today we could already enjoy the first "rainy-season break" - we had lovely
weather, with a nice, refreshing breeze!
So I guess it was hard for our members to stay home: Thanks for coming in such big numbers -
Monica, Brittany, Katie,Erica, Cassandra, Ray, Jacqueline,Crystal & Isabella!

A warm welcome to Ray, a nice gentleman from the neighbourhood, who has a daughter living in Canada,
and Crystal, another "friend" from the "English circle" - although you mentioned that you don't real...

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SilberBahn/SilberCafe 挨拶

Tilo Z SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> はドイツ語、 SilverTrain<シルバートレイン>は英語、 日本語で<銀色の列車>を 意味するこの言葉には「乗ると 楽しい所に向かっていける」という 願いを込めました。 それはある日、私のところに 「ドイツ語を教えてほしい」と 女性が一人たずねてきたところ から始まりました。 2000年1月に語学学校として スタート、現在は翻訳通訳や海外 との商品取引の仲介等語学サービス 全般に関わる業務を行っております.。 SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> の詳しい情報は下の青いリンクをクリック して下さい。



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