- This Cafe has closed -


June 9th, Tuesday

June 9, 2009
Four ladies showed up on this strange, cloudy day!
Fortunately, the temperature wasn't too hot, and on TV last night there were saying something about the
rainy season would kick in soon....bad news for motorbike-commuters, so bad news for me!

Today, among other things, we talked about foreign travel, Fish'n Chips, and why they built Windsor Caslte
under the flightpath of Heathrow Airport..........anybody know the answer to this very tricky question?!

We enjoyed a piece of "Sweet Potato Pie", and also studied the following, quite easy phrase:

That's all for today - Brittany, have a safe trip to Yokohama, and I hope to see you (& many others)
next Tuesday!

The "Master"

June 6th, Saturday (Yes, Saturday!)

June 6, 2009
So, how was the first ever Weekend-Cafe? 
Two ladies showed up today: Amy & Brooklyn!
Unfortunately, both arrived late due to (maybe)
a misunderstanding, so let me point out once more:


We start at 13:15, and finish at 14:30!!

'm really sorry if my information  was not clear before....
Nevertheless, I was very happy not to be alone on the first day!
And we had tasty peach cake & learned everything we need to know about Saturday:

I le...

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June 4th, Thursday

June 4, 2009
So, today's members were Amy, Emily, Laura, Christina, Mariah, Katie, Isabelle & Miranda!
That makes.....let's see....8 happy ladies! Thanx for coming!
Today we exchanged ideas about our different customs and habits when celebrating (or NOT celebrating!)
our and our families' birthdays. Very revealing!

I hope nobody came by car today, as today's cake apparently contained brandy!:

And we studied the phrase used when somebody doesn't really know what the latest news are:

So, the day after tomorrow is...
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June 2nd, Tuesday

June 2, 2009
There have been some changes to the Cafe fron this month -
amazing how difficult it is to notice some of them!
June has started off nicely - seven eager ladies showed up to brush
up on their English.
So, thank you for coming Lindsey, Isabella, Mikayla, Jade, Emily, Chelsea,
and Emma! Yes, that's right - from this month you're all given names!
Isabella, what is wrong with the name Jacqueline, then? 
From there, one of our topics was a famous lady by that name - any idea?
I, of course, had no idea!

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May 28th, Thursday

May 28, 2009
Today was the last day for May, and - it 
was a busy one! 10 eager English speakers
found their way here. And again, we were able
to welcome two "New Faces". I hope you will please
us with your presence for many chat days to come!

The following was on the "agenda" today:

Actually quite interesting, as オールナイトis used in Japanese
as well, although a slightly different meaning.

And, we had a "healthy" day today-

お豆 & 雑穀 cookies! Aren't we trendy?

 So, from next month we will be f...
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May 26th, Tuesday

May 26, 2009
Another "New Face" - I'm glad you all find your
way to the Cafe! Thanks for coming & bringing
in your friends - "The more the merrier".

The Choco & Cinnamon cake was delicious, this
is how it looked like:

And today, the four of us studied the very useful slang,
also used quite often in movies, "all ears":

This one is easy to remember, and can actually be used in
daily life frequently - try it!

The "Master"

P.S. From next month, there will be a little new thing coming - please
       look forward!
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May 21st, Thursday

May 21, 2009
Yes, let's beat the scare together!
It was very nice to see five happy faces today, and - guess what -
3 of those faces I had never met before! 

We all enjoyed out first "summer sweet" this year, Yogurt Jelly:

And the cookies were baked by the daughter of my "Sweets
Supplier" - she got so bored because she cannot go to school
this week - Thank you!

We studied a very popular slang often used in American movies:

Once again, thanks a lot for dropping in today & I hope ...
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Unfortunately......May, 19th

May 19, 2009
....so the flu (or rather the power of the media!)
beat the joy of the Cafe!
Nobody showed up.....were you all scared, staying
at home? 
Well, I must admit, it`s a little strange. The street in
front of the Cafe is dead!
Will I see anybody of you on Thursday? Well, I`ll be 

The "Master"
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About the Flu!

May 18, 2009
As we are NOT a school, but a nice Cafe,
we of course will BE OPEN tomorrow!
Please don't be scared........and come to chat!

The "Master"
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May 14th, Thursday

May 14, 2009
Thanks for coming in large numbers again today - we had
"full house" - I had to sit on my "emergency chair" again!
Today, we were able to welcome our maybe youngest member
so far. Her age, of course, is a top secret, but our "age average"
surely went down, down, down.......

Today's sweet was called "Small, Round Cheesecake" (by me),
and it looked like this:

And, for the first time, we studied a slang, but of course
not a "dirty" one!:

Ok then, see you all next week!

The "Master"
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SilberBahn/SilberCafe 挨拶

Tilo Z SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> はドイツ語、 SilverTrain<シルバートレイン>は英語、 日本語で<銀色の列車>を 意味するこの言葉には「乗ると 楽しい所に向かっていける」という 願いを込めました。 それはある日、私のところに 「ドイツ語を教えてほしい」と 女性が一人たずねてきたところ から始まりました。 2000年1月に語学学校として スタート、現在は翻訳通訳や海外 との商品取引の仲介等語学サービス 全般に関わる業務を行っております.。 SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> の詳しい情報は下の青いリンクをクリック して下さい。



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